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LOL - Bounce Like a Rubber Check -- Hope n' Change Cartoons, Stilton Jarlsberg

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  • LOL - Bounce Like a Rubber Check -- Hope n' Change Cartoons, Stilton Jarlsberg

    Bounce Like a Rubber Check

    Hope n' Change Cartoons

    Stilton Jarlsberg


    "The mainstream media was beyond delighted to report that Barack Obama got a bounce from the Democratic Convention which would put a ball of Flubber to shame - launching him into the upper stratosphere of the polls while Mitt Romney remained earthbound and choking on Barry's dust.

    The only problem? It wasn't true. In order to produce even the illusion of a post-convention bounce (especially after disastrous jobs news the morning after Obama's speech), various alleged news organizations had to conduct polls which significantly oversampled democrats - perhaps because the polls were conducted during business hours and republicans were at work.

    A more reliable poll shows the race at a virtual tie - which still suggests that way too many Americans either aren't paying attention or that they are, to put it charitably, drooling self-pleasuring idiots who fart in the bathtub and giggle as they snap at the bubbles.

    It is a fact that in the final 8 weeks of this presidential race, we're going to hear a lot of poll numbers which are "untruthful" (to put it mildly) and created only to dispirit the Right. So we're not going to play that game.

    Let us, instead, pay attention to some genuinely significant numbers in the run-up to the election. Like the fact that Obama has spent 412 hours in economic meetings, but 600 hours on the golf course. And that in 2011 and 2012, the busy-busy-busy president has skipped his daily national security intelligence briefings almost two-thirds of the time. No wonder Obama thought it was an accomplishment just to vote "present" when he was a community-organizing Senator from Illinois"


    View the complete post, including cartoon, at:

    B. Steadman