Fed Acts to Fix Jobs Market
Central Bank Unveils Sweeping Stimulus
Top Center Headline, Wall Street Journal, 9/14/2012
Central Bank Unveils Sweeping Stimulus
Top Center Headline, Wall Street Journal, 9/14/2012
"... the Fed said Thursday it would buy $40 billion of mortgage-backed securities every month and would keep buying them until the job market improves ..."
For ever and ever, amen --
or until we're all forced to start carrying our cash down to the grocery store in wheelbarrows to buy a loaf of bread, whichever comes first!
Psssst! Hey Ben!
In case you've forgotten, this ongoing housing debacle in the USA GOT ITS START with the government supported entities, Fannie and Freddie, buying up mortgages, in an attempt to artificially reduce interest rates and put EVERYONE, qualified or not, into their own house. This resembles a bad sequel to the movie 'Groundhog Day'!