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WTF - Obama: ‘Future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam'

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  • WTF - Obama: ‘Future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam'

    Obama: ‘Future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam,’ dwells on video instead of terrorism


    Twitchy Staff

    View the complete 'Twitchy' thread at:

    Twitchy headline says it all.

    Context provided by Erick Erickson at Red State:

    In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly today the President of the United States declared that the future does not belong to practicing Christians. Already, the media and the left are in full denial, probably based on their general lack of understanding of theology. This would have been a gaffe had Mitt Romney said it. But with Barack Obama, he’s just speaking bold truths. His bold truth declares that the future does not belong to practicing Christians.

    Pay careful attention to what he says:

    "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied. Let us condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims, and Shiite pilgrims. It is time to heed the words of Gandhi: “Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit.” Together, we must work towards a world where we are strengthened by our differences, and not defined by them. That is what America embodies, and that is the vision we will support."

    Now, that’s the full paragraph so no one can claim I took him out of context.

    But consider this.

    It is an orthodox Christian belief that Mohammed is not a prophet. Actual Christians, as opposed to many of the supposed Christians put up by the mainstream media, believe that Christ is the only way to salvation. Believing that is slandering Mohammed. That’s just a fact. If you don’t believe me, you go into the MIddle East and proclaim Christ is the way, the truth, and the life and see what happens to your life.

    Last edited by bsteadman; 09-26-2012, 01:07 AM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Obama: ‘Future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam’, which was started 9/25/2012 by 'kristinn'

    The thread references the 9/25/2012 'Twitchy' and 'Red State' posts:

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 09-26-2012, 01:16 AM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Is Barack Obama a real American?

      Tea Party Nation Forum

      Judson Phillips

      "Is Barack Obama a real American? It is a question the left does not want us to even ask, much less answer. We the people have the right to ask that question and even more important, we have the right to demand an answer.

      What is the shocking answer to the question: Is Barack Obama a real American?

      No, he is not.

      The question has nothing to do with where he was born. He might have been born in Hawaii, as the forged birth certificate he released last year claims. He might have been born in Kenya, as he claimed for a publicity blurb for his publicist. He might have lost his American citizenship when his Indonesian stepfather adopted him. He might have attended college on a scholarship for foreign students.

      While the answer to all of those questions is important, none of them deal with the real question of whether or not Barack Obama is a real American.

      And we all know the answer is no.

      His anti-Americanism was on full display yesterday as he groveled before the savages at the United Nations.

      Obama spent a little over a minute criticizing Iran. He spent five minutes condemning a poorly made film that insults Mohammed.

      Then he made one of the most stunning statements that has ever been made by someone who is allegedly an American. He said, “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.”

      This is coming from a clown who has no problems with sacred Christian symbols being desecrated, but we cannot tell the truth about Islam or Mohammed.

      The United Nations, at the behest of the 57 member Organization of Islamic Cooperation, is going to push to criminalize “blasphemy” and “Insults to Islam.” Instead of a full-throated defense of freedom and liberty, Obama spinelessly capitulated.

      Instead of identifying the source of extremism, namely Islam, Obama groveled.

      Obama is not a real American because he does not believe in America’s values. He does not believe in freedom and liberty. He does not believe that America is the greatest nation in the world. He believes we are the cause of the problems in the world.

      Perhaps what is more appalling is Obama’s treatment of Americans killed by Islamic violence. Instead of condemning it for what it was, attacks against America, he said the attacks violated the ideals of the United Nations.

      These were attacks directed towards Americans. Just like the 9/11 attacks, which he could not find a moment to mention, the victims of Islamism were Americans. The only victims of Islamic violence he found time to sympathize with were other Muslims, who he called the “main victims.” Not Americans or non-Muslims who are persecuted in Muslim dominated nations. It is only Muslims that he has sympathy for.

      Obama does not have an American bone in his body. He has nothing but contempt for this nation and what it stands for. He does not deserve the support or even the respect of real Americans. I, for one, refuse to call him President. I certainly owe him no respect or deference. Neither does any other American.

      Barack Obama may or may not be a natural born citizen within the meaning of the Constitution. He may not even be a citizen. But even if he is, he is not a real American and that is why he must be turned out of office in six weeks."

      View the complete post at:
      B. Steadman

