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ITB - Romney lands the coveted Lindsay Lohan endorsement -- Hot Air

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  • ITB - Romney lands the coveted Lindsay Lohan endorsement -- Hot Air

    Romney lands the coveted Lindsay Lohan endorsement

    Hot Air



    We should have known that she was leaning right when she went to the Correspondents’ Dinner as a guest of Fox News.

    I’m only half-joking in the headline, by the way. Let Walter Hickey of Business Insider explain why this endorsement is, in fact, kinda sorta coveted:

    Lohan, by all accounts, is a typical low-information voter. And low information voters, like it or not, will decide this election.

    The first person to pick out this trend was Dave Weigel at Slate after sportswriter Buzz Bissinger endorsed Romney after his positive debate performance. Bissinger, Weigel notes, was a low information voter. He ignored the election, watched the debate, took everyone’s word for it on the facts, and backed Romney…

    Bissinger is emblematic of millions of Americans. These people don’t follow politics, don’t understand the issues with depth, and plan to vote based on what little information they’ve gleaned.

    Adult film actress Jenna Jameson has backed Romney because “when you’re rich, you want a Republican in office.” Wrestler Hulk Hogan has backed Romney because he wants someone to “just take the lead and run.”

    Romney may have landed the coveted Tawny Kitaen endorsement too. I wouldn’t call either of them “representative” of the average American voter, but I’d guess they’re closer to the mark than your friendly neighborhood political blogger and his/her readership. That’s the paradox of being a political news junkie: The more news you consume, the less equipped you are to get in the heads of casual voters, which makes it doubly tough to gauge what sort of campaign developments will truly register with the wider population and move votes. (See, e.g., the online hype surrounding basically every “gaffe” ever.) Sometimes I think I’d have a better handle on who’s really winning and which way undecideds are likely to break if I spent two weeks watching the 6:30 national news and nothing else. That may be all the Lindsays of the world are watching, if they’re watching that much, and between the economic news and the news from Benghazi lately, that’s enough. Obama’s campaign knows this too, of course, which is why you see him doing moronic interviews with local morning DJs instead of “Meet the Press.” It’s not just a matter of wanting to dodge hard questions (although that’s part of it). It’s a judgment that the “Meet the Press” crowd has already made up its mind one way or another. The Lindsays haven’t.


    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman