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ITB - Morgan for Mitt: CNN Star Says Romney 'Might Just Save America'

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  • ITB - Morgan for Mitt: CNN Star Says Romney 'Might Just Save America'

    Morgan for Mitt: CNN Star Says Romney 'Might Just Save America'

    Breitbart News



    Watch "America's Got Talent" judge turned CNN talker Piers Morgan and you can't help but notice how he badgers conservatives while hurling softballs at left-of-center guests.

    That hardly makes him unusual in mainstream media circles.

    What is unusual, though, is the column he just penned for The Daily Mail. The headline says it all, "He's one of the least principled politicians I've met. But I believe Mitt Romney might just save America."

    Morgan doubles down on Romney's image as a flip-flopper, but he goes on to salute Romney as a man, father and husband and remind us the GOP presidential candidate is particularly brilliant at making broken things run again.

    The main concern for Americans right now is the economy, after all. I asked Bill Clinton recently if he felt Romney was a ‘principled man’ and Clinton smiled: ‘That’s not the issue to me.’ And I suspect it’s not for most voters either. They just want to know which man, Romney or Obama, is going to revive the economy faster....

    ....The great messianic tidal wave of optimism Obama swept in on has been replaced by harsh reality.He promised Americans tremendous ‘hope’ and ‘change’ and, frankly, they don’t feel he’s given them much hope, or changed very much...

    ....But – and it’s a big but – unemployment is still running at a scarily high 7.8 per cent, meaning 23 million Americans are out of work. Meanwhile, the country’s national debt has risen to a staggering $16 TRILLION, up $5 trillion from when Obama took over. Factor in a still severely deflated housing market, and petrol prices double what they were in 2008, and it all adds up to a pretty miserable economic picture.


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    B. Steadman