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ITB - "Greetings from Indonesia" -- Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller

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  • ITB - "Greetings from Indonesia" -- Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller

    "Greetings from Indonesia"

    Atlas Shrugs

    Pamela Geller

    Empowering the voiceless the world over:


    I'm XXXX from Indonesia, I write this e-mail tell you I follow every post on your blog and to thank you that you open my eyes widely than ever.

    I wish I could have the gut to stand for what is true and against what is wrong like you do, straightly and openly (which is currently impossible here as we have no such first amendment to guarantee our rights)

    I read that your ads, and as many others who believe in freedom of speech, I find no such offense lines there, I think it is clever ads actually.

    It is strange that many Americans find it offensive and hurting the feeling of believers of a certain religion, while there are so many hatred ads against Israel are considered 'fine' even these ads are promoting violence and also contagious hatred globally.

    It's laughable and horrible that this religion followers feel offended by so many things, while they keep offending other people's freedom. It's ironically disgusting they always play the victims and at the same time victimizing others who oppose them. One person stand up and pick the right word, and very funny how many american react to this, while in the other part of the world, we laughing and feel pity on american people, they defending this savagery in passion and ignoring the facts that these jihadists, these savages are terror bringer, horror maker to humanity in every presence of them in this world. It's really weird, my country is at war with this jihadist terrorists, we have special force to fight them days and nights. This special force members mostly people who have/share the same faith with these savage jihadists. So I just don't understand why many rational and modern people of America take side with this savages and their propagandists, and refuse to acknowledge the truth that your country now is dealing with most dangerous deceivers and killers. Why American so blind, that many of your own people killed by many terrorist who proudly call their god's name in their killing actions.

    Americans are always the targets out or inside the country by these savages, how come many of American think they can tolerate these savages while they shout it out loud on your faces that they will claim your country, that they will dominate the country which means no freedom for every one of American. We who live under no such freedom of speech, freedom of faith, we see it clearly, what danger Americans faced, but if they keep ignoring the facts and believe the lies, America is one step closer to the fall, no one can help, and in the end the whole world will go back to the age of stone. Glad that we still have some people who stand strong and never give up for the sake of the humanity. Hopefully the truth and humanity will prevail!

    I hope your actions will bring new perception and new awakening to American and all civilized people of the world.

    You don't know that you bring inspirations and strength to many people who live under a religion oppression (even in country like Indonesia which is a secular country) like me, like her, like him, like many of us.

    I don't know you, but I do love your passion and your bravery.

    You're one wonderful and great woman, Pamela

    *Forgive me for bad English

    Best Regards,

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    Last edited by bsteadman; 10-16-2012, 09:27 PM.
    B. Steadman