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WTF - 2nd Romney/Obama Debate Moderation by Candy Crowley

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  • WTF - 2nd Romney/Obama Debate Moderation by Candy Crowley

    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Video(several): Who’s up for a focus-group shoutfest about Candy Crowley’s debate moderation?', which was started 10/18/2012 by 'Ernest_at_the_Beach'

    The thread references the 10/17/2012 'Hot Air' article written by Allahpundit -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    The following is COMMENT #8, by MNDude, in the thread:

    My comments from before:

    At: :14 Romney starts he statement about how Obama did not call the attack terrorism.

    At :29 Obama smugly tells Romney to proceed.

    At :38 Obama tells Crowley “Get the transcript!”

    At: :39 (possibly before the word transcript even completely leaves Obama’s mouth) Crowley states “he did infact”

    So, we are to believe that amoung hundreds of speeches, policies, political ads, and actions of the two candidates, that Crowley was able to find and fact check the transcript of that exact particular speech within zero seconds?

    Even if she decided to stop worring about what her next question would be, and immediately start fact checking at the transcripts :14 seconds, that would given her only 25 seconds to find and verify that statement.

    I challenge anyone to try to verify any statement at some Rose Garden speech within 25 seconds, let alone ZERO seconds!!

    I rarely subscribe to conspiracies, but there’s no way you can explain this other than a huge setup.
    - (underline emphasis added)

    The following is COMMENT #16, by 'Revolting Cat', in the thread:

    “Collusion”, “conspiracy”, give it a rest! There was neither. It is worse, much worse. It is a conspiracy of minds, and has always been such. They don’t have to collude when they already think alike. As for sweet Candy, she’s a professional, she prepared, and she anticipated Romney’s attack, which wasn’t hard to do, and she was ready to defend her hero of radiant socialist future.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 10-18-2012, 04:14 PM.
    B. Steadman