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LOL/ITB - HOAX! - Is This Obama’s Kenyan Birth Video? -- VICE

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  • LOL/ITB - HOAX! - Is This Obama’s Kenyan Birth Video? -- VICE

    Is This Obama’s Kenyan Birth Video?

    VICE News

    By VICE Staff

    This entire 'BHO-II Kenyan Birth Video' story is a rather crude, though interesting, HOAX! - B. Steadman


    Yesterday afternoon, an anonymous source known only as “Peter R.” reached out to VICE with claims that he had in his possession a video of President Barack Obama’s birth. Peter said that the footage was shot at a hospital in Mombasa, Kenya, on August 4, 1961, by his father, Barack Obama Sr. He sent us the password to a private video on Vimeo, a short clip that appears to depict a white woman who resembles Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, giving birth to a ginormous black baby. Peter also told us that he has the entire roughly 15-minute video in his possession and has been attempting to reach out to Donald Trump and other prominent birther theorists. We were literally at a loss for words, so we asked Peter if he’d be up for an interview about his “mind-blowing discovery” and, this morning, he said OK and we got on the phone. The whole thing sounds fucking bananas; that’s our official comment on the entire situation so don’t ask us anything more about it, please. We just thought you should know about it is all, whether or not it’s total bullshit.

    VICE: Where did you acquire this video that you purport to be footage of President Barack Obama’s birth?

    Peter R: An associate from Africa contacted me and said that he had a VHS transfer of the original Super-8 film. I know him from my business trips and he decided to just give me this thing. He said it’s something he got from Obama’s father, a family friend, in the 60s and he’s kept it under wraps ever since Obama entered politics. Up until then, only my friend, his sister, and Obama’s immediately family had seen it—and now myself and the world.

    What do you do for a living?

    I have a cotton-based import-export business.

    When you first reached out to us you claimed that you were also trying to send the video to Donald Trump, and that you had contacted his office. Have they offered any response?

    Yeah, Mr. Trump said he has like 5 million bucks to give out. And obviously Obama would never publish his college records and passport application, like Mr. Trump wants. So, the way I see it, that $5 million will go to waste. Maybe he’s willing to give it to me, to buy the video in its entirety. I’ve been contacting several of Trump’s associates, and I’m about to hopefully meet some of them either in a parking lot, or even in the lobby, and just take cash for it. I sent Trump only a single frame of the video, but since I haven’t heard back I have released this short clip in an attempt to get him to respond.

    And what do you think Trump might do with it?

    It can be his legacy, basically, because his supposed “October surprise” was very underwhelming. I mean, I keep thinking that my guy in Africa has waited until October for some reason and it’s my mission to spread it.

    Your accent doesn’t sound American. What’s your nationality?

    I’m Romanian, and I work in the US.

    Are you anti-Obama?

    I’ve got nothing against him. What’s the big deal if he was born in Kenya? Why shouldn’t he be president? I mean Schwarzenegger, he was born in Austria and he was allowed to be governor. So Schwarzenegger can’t be president because of this law, this thing, either? That doesn’t sound right. And who knows where America starts and ends. Like if Obama was born in a NASA space shuttle… would that mean he wasn’t really American? Like, for instance, McCain was born in an army base outside the US. Who cares.

    And you believe this footage to be 100 percent authentic?

    I have no reason to doubt it.

    Well, that baby is massive. It looks like it’s at least a year old.

    Babies are born heavy all the time; I see no issue with that. And I assure you, most of the general public has no idea how big infants are in Kenya.


    You might think the US is a fat society, but in Kenya they are born big and then they become light. Which is evidenced by the fact that today, Obama is really light and fit. That’s just the way it is.

    You claim to have another 15 minutes or so of footage in your possession. What does it contain?

    It’s just like a sweet birth video… his mom and dad holding their newborn son, a few relatives mingling around, the doctors and nurses making sure little Obama is OK…

    In the first few frames of the clip you've made public there appears to be a clipboard attached to the bed that lists the patient information of Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother.

    In this film you can only see the mother admission form, but my associate has told me that he holds even more footage that includes Obama’s birth certificate—the real one, from Kenya. He also said that all birth certificates that have been released thus far are fake, including the long-form version from Hawaii that the White House made public last year.


    View the complete post, including the video reportedly showing BHO-II being born in Mombasa, Kenya on August 4, 1961, at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 10-31-2012, 11:20 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Is the Obama Kenyan birth video a fake?


    Tom Rose, Allentown Celebrity Examiner


    On Thursday, the Vice news channel published an article about a video they'd received anonymously claiming to show the birth of Barack Obama, filmed by his father, in a Kenyan hospital in 1961. Is it real?

    The video, submitted by someone calling themselves "Peter R." gets some things right. It looks like a Super-8 movie, the woman in it resembles pictures of Obama's mother, Ann Durham and the third world maternity ward has antiquated medical equipment.

    The one minute excerpt published by the Vice Beta channel, is reportedly clipped from a 15 minute, home-made movie. What makes it up to the web is the alleged moment Barack Obama is eased from his mother's womb.

    The video is followed by a written interview with the mysterious Peter R. and it's obvious the Vice staff members are quite dubious. But it's the comments by subscribers which really raise the most red flags.

    The "newborn" infant looks like a one-year-old child. Super-8 film wasn't available until 1965. The Kenyan flag emblem affixed at the foot of the bed wasn't adopted by the nation until 1963. That's enough to drive a truck through. -
    (bold emphasis added)

    Still, it's quite an entertaining story.

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      “Peter Rehnquist” unmasked

      Purveyor of fake Obama birth video used fake name

      Obama Conspiracy Theorist

      Dr. Conspiracy



      When I talked via a Skype™ video call to the purveyor of the Obama birth video today, my video recording setup was a total bust. Not having an image to work with, beyond my memory, I looked through all the images on the Internet until I found him so that I could let other people know what he looked like (and that he was not “Peter Rehnquist,” the former Supreme Court Justice’s son).

      The only problem with this photo is that it appears to be a person identified as Nimrod Kamer. I also found another interesting photo that appears to be of the same fellow:

      View the complete post, including photos, at:
      B. Steadman


      • #4

        Published on Oct 31, 2012 by Nimrod Kamer

        View the video at:
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          Exclusive: The Making of the Very Fake ‘Obama’s Kenya Birth Video’

          The New York Observer

          Drew Grant


          Last week, was “tipped off” to a video purporting to show Barack Obama’s birth in Mombasa, Kenya, on August 4, 1961. The 54-second clip, submitted by “Peter R.” made the rounds on various conspiracy sites, but its biggest exposure was on Atlantic Wire, which questioned its validity in a headline that read “Fake Obama Birth Video Shows Fake Ann Dunham Giving Fake Birth to Fake Newborn.“

          No duh. And now we can prove how obviously fake the very fake-looking video is! Not only do we have the exclusive “making of” series from the actual director, Vice contributor Nimrod Kamer, but we were invited last Wednesday to go on-set (at Cosmic yoga studio in Bushwick) to witness the rebirth of our president.

          Mr. Kamer, a balding and bespeckled 27-year-old from Romania who splits his time between London and Greenpoint, was busy assembling the pieces of the birth scene when we arrived late Wednesday afternoon. “We originally wanted to get Lena Dunham to play the mom, since her last name is already Dunham,” he told The Observer with his trademark dry humor. (If Mr. Kamer turns out not to be related to Denmark’s Sacha Baron Cohen, gonzo documentary filmmaker Mad Brugger, in some fashion, we’d be very surprised.) The role eventually went to Kristin Goodman, who was paid $250 for her afternoon of work.

          Mr. Nimrod told us he wanted the video to not look “too realistic,” since he didn’t want it to actually sway anyone’s vote during the election. “A lot of people out there want to believe Obama was born in Kenya,” he said. “We want to make fun of that idea, not feed it.”

          The baby playing Obama, Nicholas Nicholson, is 6 months old. He was covered in a mixture of glycerine and fake blood, with random chunky bits stuck on. His mother played a Kenyan nurse while his father, Greg, stood by. When asked why they were participating in this media hoax, Mr. Nicholson shrugged.

          “We saw an ad on Craigslist, and it looked fun and it paid,” he said.

          The whole shoot took around an hour, as Mr. Nimrod kept up the energy by yelling inspirational sayings, like: “This place smells like blood and semen! Just like Lady Gaga’s perfume!”

          Mr. Nimrod, who often goes out to “prank” stars (he told us he once convinced Kanye West that he could erase all the bad things people were saying about the rap star on Twitter … for a price), and his goal here was to get a high-rolling birther to pay $10K for the footage.

          (In other words, Mr. Nimrod, this clever, sophisticated Obama-supporter, was engaging in the common crime of EXTORTION -- Bold and color emphasis added)

          From Mr. Nimrod’s original email, entitled “Birth Synopsis”:

          Giving Rightwing-Media Fake Birth Footage They Always Dreamed Of
          Tea-party and birther bloggers, as well as rightwing pundits, Fox News affiliates and people like Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Dr. Jerome Corsi [2], are convinced Obama was born in Kenya and desperately looking for proof, any visual clip to “end the discussion” once and for all.

          If Obama was born in Kenya he cannot be president. They refuse to believe a birth certificate Obama provided in a 2011 white house press conference [3] is real. In Arizona they tried to put O off the ballot until they get further docs from Hawaii (real birth place).

          So – we want to give them the evidence, and embarrass them later, right before the election, showing how they fell for it.

          Our footage will be easy to prove as a spoof, as it will include incriminating pieces linking it to Nimrod (Nimrod will be holding a super16mm camera pointing it to an iPhone Hipstamatic app visible in the making-of film), and to VICE, also a Gawker reporter will be witness. [Editor's note: No Gawker writer was there, and we were the only media outlet in the room.]

          And – the mother actress will be a known person.


          We set up a hospital-like room (or film in real hospital) see attached photos. Silent film. (Obviously the making-of film won’t be silent).

          16mm clip will follow Obama Senior filming (Ann Dunham, Obama’s mom) giving birth. He stays on her for 30sec then moves on. Her name is clearly visible on bedside. Black nurses surround her, Kenyan flags, 1961 calendar.

          A birth certificate will not be shown. Its too explicit. We *will* show a Kenyan newspaper (The Kenyan Standard, founded 1902 [4]) to establish date, and a clock with the date on it and\or calender thing.

          As we edit 16mm footage we’ll spread through friends on, quietly, and go to small-time rightwing bloggers, interviewing them generally, and mentioning off-the-cuff that there *is* this footage they might want to look at.


          View the complete article at:

          Last edited by bsteadman; 11-01-2012, 08:10 PM.
          B. Steadman

