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ITB - Macy's Dump Trump Petition Has 350,000 Signatures And Counting

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  • ITB - Macy's Dump Trump Petition Has 350,000 Signatures And Counting

    Macy's Dump Trump Petition Has 350,000 Signatures And Counting

    The Huffington Post



    More than 350,000 people are trying to get Macy’s to fire Donald Trump.

    A new online petition on is asking the iconic department store to “dump Trump” as a celebrity spokesman. The petition, which has 350,495 signatures so far, cites Trump’s “sexist behavior” and denial of climate change as some of the reasons why Macy’s should fire the business mogul.

    In addition, the petition criticizes Trump for perpetuating the “racially charged birther conspiracy,” which falsely claims President Obama issued a false birth certificate. Trump has offered to give $5 million to Obama’s charity of choice if the president produces his birth certificate and passport.

    A new Macy’s Kris Kringle-themed holiday ad makes light of Trump’s conspiracy theorist behavior, when Trump, in the role of the skeptic from the film, pulls Santa Claus’ beard to check if it’s really him, The New York Times reports. Despite the petition, it may be hard to get Macy’s to fire Trump given that he’s appeared in ads for the retailer for years.
    - (bold emphasis added)

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    B. Steadman