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LOL - Brits Petition Government: We Don’t Want Piers Morgan Back -- Prison Planet

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  • LOL - Brits Petition Government: We Don’t Want Piers Morgan Back -- Prison Planet

    Brits Petition Government: We Don’t Want Piers Morgan Back

    Prison Planet

    Paul Joseph Watson


    Brits have responded to the petition calling on the White House to deport Piers Morgan for his anti-second amendment stance by lodging a petition of their own with UK Home Secretary Theresa May entitled ‘Stop Piers Morgan from being deported back to the UK from America’.

    The original petition to deport Morgan for his unconstitutional rhetoric following the Sandy Hook school shooting has now achieved almost 70,000 signatures, well beyond the 25,000 required to mandate a White House response.

    However, a counter-petition which features on the website calls on the UK government to prevent Morgan from returning to the UK.

    “We got rid of him once and why should we have to suffer again. The Americans wanted him so they should put up with him. We washed our hands of him a long time ago,” the petition reads.

    The petition is authored by a user named “hackergate” and includes a YouTube video of the former News of the World editor testifying before the Leveson inquiry into the phone hacking scandal.

    Morgan has been accused of being complicit in the scandal but only appeared in front of the inquiry via a video link from the United States. The CNN host’s claim that he had no knowledge of the phone hacking scandal wasdescribed by Lord Justice Leveson as “utterly unpersuasive”.

    Morgan was hired by CNN as a prime time host despite the fact that he was fired from his editorial position at the Daily Mirror for publishing a fake news story in May 2004.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman