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ITB - Was Hillary injured in plane crash in IRAN? -- PPSimmons

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  • ITB - Was Hillary injured in plane crash in IRAN? -- PPSimmons

    Was Hillary injured in plane crash in IRAN?

    Here's the evidence




    A new Foreign Military Intelligence (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today is saying that United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was injured, and a top US Navy Seal Commander killed when their C-12 Huron military passenger and transport aircraft crash landed nearly 3 weeks ago in the Iranian city of Ahvaz near the Iraqi border.

    Iranian intelligence agents quoted in this GRU report confirm that the C-12 Huron aircraft is still in their possession in Ahvaz, but will only admit that the plane was “forced to land because of technical problems”.

    The US Navy Seal member reported killed in this bizarre incident, this report says, was indentified as Commander Job W. Price [photo 3rd right] who as a leader of this highly specialized American Special Forces unit protects high-ranking diplomats traveling in Middle Eastern and Asian combat zones.

    Curiously, US media reports on Commander Price’s death say it being investigated as a possible suicide as he died from what the American Defense Department describes as “a non-combat related injury”.

    Equally as curious, US media reports state that Secretary Clinton will return to work next week after her having suffered what they describe as a “nasty bout with stomach flu” and a “concussion” which have kept her missing from public view the past three weeks.

    This GRU report, however, states that US military flight logs recorded by Russian air and space forces confirm that Commander Price, and other members of US Navy Seal Team 4, left their base in Urozgan Province, Afghanistan on a flight to US Naval Support Activity Bahrain where they met up with Secretary Clinton and all of them transferred to the C-12 Huron that began a flight path to Baghdad, Iraq.

    Within minutes of leaving Bahrain airspace, this report says, the C-12 Huron carrying Secretary Clinton and her US Navy Seal protectors, “without notice,” deviated from their assigned flight path heading, instead, directly towards Iran’s Ahwaz International Airport where, coincidentally, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had previously landed on an “unscheduled” visit.

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    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Too Strange for Hollywood?

    The New Media Journal

    Paul R. Hollrah


    The headline read, "Clinton Injured, US Navy SEAL Killed In Secret Mission To Iran."

    Below the headline, we are told the details of a Russian Foreign Ministry intelligence report "circulating in the Kremlin," saying that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was injured in the crash of an American C-12 Huron helicopter near the Iranian city of Ahvaz, just inside the border with Iraq. The report also tells us that a US Navy SEAL Commander was killed in the crash. He led a US Special Operations unit specializing in the protection of high-ranking US diplomats traveling in the Middle East and Asia.

    It's the stuff of Hollywood thrillers. But would a secret mission to Tehran by Hillary Clinton be too strange even for Hollywood? Perhaps not. Let's take a look at a bit of covert statesmanship.

    In the afternoon of May 10, 1941, a twin-engine Messerschmitt 110 took off from a runway in Augsburg, Germany, some 120 kilometers west-northwest of Munich. But this was no ordinary Me110. This particular airplane had been customized to be flown by a single pilot, instead of a crew of three; the fuel storage capacity had been increased to provide for hundreds of gallons of extra fuel; and the fuselage had been lengthened to carry a large inflatable dinghy. Nor was the plane piloted by any ordinary Luftwaffe pilot. The pilot was none other than Rudolph Hess, Adolph Hitler's most trusted senior advisor and Deputy Fuhrer of Nazi Germany.

    Although the genesis of his mission is still unclear, his destination and the purpose of his mission are not. Hess's destination was Dungavel House, the Lanarkshire home of the Duke of Hamilton in Scotland, a major headquarters of the International Red Cross. After flying some 900 miles, Hess bailed out, broke his ankle, and was taken into custody by the local constabulary.

    The purpose of Hess's mission was to discuss an Anglo-German peace agreement. Upon being questioned by British authorities, Hess insisted that the war between Germany and Great Britain was a mistake and that the real enemy of both countries was the Soviet Union. This was the message he wished to convey either to King George VI or to Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

    Was Hess acting alone? Was he under orders of conspirators within the German high command? Or was his bold mission hatched by the British some have suggested? Unless additional documentation is found at this late date, we will probably never know which is true.

    On July 15, 1971, President Richard Nixon announced that his National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger, had returned from a secret visit to Peking (now Beijing). Documents in the National
    Security Archive explain that, "Since the beginning of his presidency in early 1969, and even earlier, Nixon had been interested in changing relations with China, not least to contain a potential nuclear threat but also, by taking advantage of the adversarial Sino-Soviet relationship, to open up another front in the Cold War with the Soviet Union."

    According to Kissinger's account in his book, White House Years, while on an official visit to Islamabad, Pakistan, he feigned a severe stomachache following a July 8 dinner with Pakistani president Agha Mohammad Yahya Khan. After retiring early, at 10:00 PM, he was awakened at 3:00 AM on July 9, 1971. After a quick breakfast, he and a small traveling party...three NSC aides and two Secret Service agents...departed at 4:00 AM, driven to the Chaklala Airport in Pakistani military vehicles, accompanied by Pakistani Foreign Minister Sultan Khan.

    Equipped with a hat and sunglasses to insure that "no stray pedestrian" spotted him, he and his party were driven to a Pakistani International Airlines (PIA) Boeing 707 parked on the military side of the airport, out of sight of his own US government aircraft. On board were Chinese navigators who had arrived on an earlier test run to Peking. At 4:30 AM they were airborne, the start of a 2,500 mile, four hour and forty-five minute, flight to Peking.

    The Kissinger trip to Peking set the stage for President Nixon's February 1972 visit to Peking, an event that changed the course of world history.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

