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ITB - President Claims Shooting as a Hobby, and the White House Offers Evidence

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  • ITB - President Claims Shooting as a Hobby, and the White House Offers Evidence

    President Claims Shooting as a Hobby, and the White House Offers Evidence

    The New York Times

    Peter Baker & Mark Lander


    WASHINGTON — When President Obama mentioned last week that he had picked up a new hobby — skeet shooting at Camp David — it was a surprising disclosure by a president whose main identification with guns these days is his effort to ban assault rifles and high-capacity magazines.

    To some, Mr. Obama’s newfound enthusiasm for shooting clay pigeons — he said in an interview that he did it “all the time” at the presidential retreat — also seemed a bit suspicious.

    So on Saturday, the White House tried to silence the skeptics by releasing a photograph of Mr. Obama shooting on the range at Camp David in August. The president, wearing protective glasses and ear-muffs, is squinting down the barrel of a shotgun moments after pulling the trigger. Smoke is shooting from the front of the gun.

    The White House said the photo was taken on Aug. 4, Mr. Obama’s 51st birthday. But it offered no further details on whether his target practice was a regular hobby or a one-time event.


    View the complete article, including photo, at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'White House Issues Warning Not To Manipulate/Photoshop Image of President Obama Skeet Shooting', which was started 2/2/2013 by 'DogByte6RER'

    The thread references the White House (via FLICKR) release -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    The following is COMMENT #98, by 'Raebie', in the thread:

    So let’s see. Accoring to the news media, Obama teed off at the AFB course at 9:00 AM that day, played for 6 hours, hopped on the plane, flew to Camp David, arriving well after 3 PM, (not sure how long the flight is), went skeet shooting and then joined a small group of friends & aides to celebrate his birthday.


    ************************************************** *********

    “WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama celebrated his 51st birthday Saturday with a round of golf and a quiet weekend at Camp David, taking a break from campaigning three months before Election Day.

    Obama, wearing a white golf shirt, khaki pants and sunglasses, boarded Marine One at Andrews Air Force Base after about six hours on the golf course before heading to Camp David. He was joined by a small group of friends and aides that included White House chef Sam Kass, a frequent golf partner.”

    The following is COMMENT #184, by 'Kenny Bunk' in the thread:

    The only thing I learned from this picture is that the Mombasa MF is a Leftie. I shoulda knowed.

    Golf? Skeet (on the ground are they?) Why not tennis? Polo? But kudos to Team Obama's PR guru. These manly images should deflect some nagging questions about whether the nation's top sportsman is a pitcher or a catcher.

    There are lots of great 'photoshop' images of 'the messiah' shown on the FR thread. I particularly liked the one presented in COMMENT #65, by 'dead'
    Last edited by bsteadman; 02-03-2013, 02:12 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      " WE THE PEOPLE " wish he would shoot himself in the big loud lying mouth .


      • #4
        White House Warning: Team Obama Plays Birther Card With Obama Skeet Shooting Photo

        Birther Report



        Via White House Senior Adviser David Plouffe:

        Here's the official White House caption on the image:

        "This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House."

        Via Gateway Pundit: They don’t want you to Photoshop the picture.
        Too late....

        An anonymous gun expert, who did not wish to be identified, had this to say about Obama’s shooting style.

        “Either the recoil kicked his ass or he doesn’t know to lean into the shot when shooting. He shoots a gun like he throws a baseball. That’s a ported shot gun. (holes – venting – at the end of the barrel. Less recoil.) You port really high power firearms to reduce the kick when fired. It helps with control and is less punishing. The smoke coming out of the top of the barrel lessens the muzzle jump and recoil. It means he’s a panzy. And it still threw him back. It also means he never shoots a gun.” - Via Gateway Pundit.

        It is not OK to Photoshop a public photograph, paid for by the American taxpayer, however, you can Photoshop a birth certificate, or two, and usurp the presidency of the United States with no trouble at all. Welcome to Obama's America!

        View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

        B. Steadman


        • #5
          Seven Reasons Why it's a Photoshop

          American Thinker

          Michael Harlin


          I'm sure we've all seen by now the "photo op" of President Obama shooting skeet. If he's shooting skeet then I'm Daffy Duck.

          Skeet [clay disks of bright colors] are thrown by a machine from two towers erected to the right and left of the shooter. (There are other set ups like ones used for "sporting clays" but that isn't represented in the White House photo release.) Usually, the skeet is thrown about ten or more feet above the ground. The shooters are arranged in a semi-circle at various stations around the semi-circle. The "group" of shooters lines up at one stage and each shoot in turn. They then move to the next station and shoot again. Each spot is designed for the shooter to shoot above the horizon. This is for safety and learning too that when in the field, a hunter never shoots a shotgun below the horizon. A small fact that Vice President Dick Cheney forgot when he wounded his hunting partner a few years ago. Skeet are then thrown either from right to left or left to right or both at once. It is very challenging and the shooter either uses a double barrel shotgun or a semi automatic shotgun. Each shooter is limited to two shots.

          Trap shooting is a little different. Again the range is set up in a semi-circle with stations for each shooter. In front of the shooter, there is a low level boxlike structure which houses the throwing machine. These "pigeons" are thrown away from the shooter either to the right, left, or center and at random. Again, the disk goes up and so does the shooter's barrel. Rarely would it be ever level with the horizon.

          Now, what's wrong with the president's picture? First the weapon is nearly level to the ground. Can't be skeet shooting, nor likely trap either. Second, it is evident that the President has never shot a shotgun before as his stance is leaning slightly backward. Look at the position of his torso to his legs. Skeet or trap shooters never do this. They lean slightly forward like a boxer in the ring. Third, he doesn't know or was never taught that the butt of the weapon must fit to his shoulder. He's holding the weapon with a gap between his shoulder and the top of the butt. Sure you can fire it that way, but expect lots of pain if not bruising later. Fourth, either skeet or trap shooters wear either a shell bag or a vest or both. Apparently, the president is too tough for that. Fifth, most shooters wear baseball style caps. The bill helps block unwanted sun in your eyes. Most golfers do too for the same reason. Sixth, he appears to be aiming as one would with a rifle. Doesn't mean you don't do that with a shotgun but as you are trying to hit a moving target, as opposed to a stationary one, your body must swivel with the target right or left and up or down. The worst shotgun shooters are those that try to aim the weapon like a rifle. Seventh, I suppose it could happen, but in my fifty years of shooting a shotgun, skeet, trap, and hunting, including double barrel muzzle loading black powder shotguns, I have never once seen a smoke pattern like that. Smoke going straight out the barrel is normal, but what the heck is that second smoke stream shooting behind and away from the barrel? Perhaps some sort of release value to diminish the recoil from the shot but I've never seen that on a range.

          .................................................. ....

          View the complete article at:

          B. Steadman


          • #6
            Video: Obama Shotgun Photo Playing Politics?

            Published on Feb 2, 2013 by PeoplesUnderground

            View the video at:


            The following is a comment made in response to the video on 2/3/2013 by 'blastforyou'

            I think this was a black powder blank load as modern SMOKELESS powder does (not) emit this volume of smoke. I think they meant to release the vid but realized the lack of recoil would give away (no projectile/no equal and opposite reaction). Go to local skeet range and observe the lack of smoke in modern loads; black pwoder is still used in blank loads because of reliable ignition with lower chamber pressure. This photo was a publicity shot.
            Last edited by bsteadman; 02-03-2013, 03:27 PM.
            B. Steadman


            • #7
              WADGATE: I'll take Obama's WAD for 200 Alex

              Lame Cherry



              As a continuing series of Inspired exclusives from the Lame Cherry blog in matter anti matter exclusives only found here.......and then, er uh, mentioned, plagiarized and ordered to be ignored elsewhere, we now enter into the reality of the Obama orchestrated skeet shooting photo, AKA, WADGATE as exposed first here.

              This blog has always informed you, my children, that photos just do not happen. They are planned, engineered, shot and reshot, for effect. There are hundreds and thousands of photos in each photo set, as digitals have transformed the propaganda era.

              For the released photo which the Obama regime released of B. Hussein AKA Barry Chin "skeet shooting" as was first exposed here as a fraud........paging Ted Nugent, where the hell are you, Mr. NRA powder burner............the following revelations are the reality of Barack Hussein Obama.

              The photo released required high speed recording, and was one of a number of photos of the finished product or propaganda. To not have any blurring, these high speed stop action stills required a fast lens, to get things "just right" as it was engineered in the big smoke signal which Obama over dramatized on.

              The recreations of the events are in the stills, as this all started out when things rubbed Obama raw in that first shotgun photo. For Obama reasons, he now wants to not only be loved, but to be revered as someone who just does not arm Mexican bandits to murder Mexicans in Gun Runner, but Obama wants to be a he man in being known he fires off his own load.

              The forensic pyschology of Obama is his own. He gravitates not to pistols or revolvers which he can not handle, nor does he appreciate rifles, but Obama likes shotguns for his own psychopathy as they have the "big shells".

              Obama started this charade off with wanting "real manly photos" which were the orders. He strolled out with a big skeet gun and ordered up the pictures with the Jarrett sucklings looking on and the cameras ready to capture all the glory of Obama, when a strange thing happened to Mr. Movie Star ready for his close up.

              Mr.Obama's gun went off, and he looked like a fricking puss in not being able to control the recoil.
              All firearms recoil and everyone in high speed snaps is going to look like a ninny, from things being jostled like head gear and glasses to being bent in a girly position backwards.

              That kind of thing would have brought heaps of ridicule on Obama, so after some heated demands a new drama was released, in Obama would switch from his regular load to a light load.

              Take two required more out takes as light loads, just had Obama pointing a gun with no action, and Obama wanted ACTION.

              Obama likes smoke when he pulls out the he man stuff.

              Big problem in that, as there just was not enough smoke in smokeless powder, so after more heated demands about making it look like he was actually doing something, instead of just pointing a gun at Boehner's brain, a little bit of engineering took place.


              View the complete post at:

              B. Steadman


              • #8
                Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Photo of Obama Shooting Skeet Complete Fraud, like his Presidency', which was started 2/3/2013 by 'forbushalltheway'

                The thread references a 2/2/2013 CLASHDAILY post by Steve Sheldon -

                View the complete Free Republic thread at:


                The following is COMMENT #40, by 'lacrew' in the thread:

                My theory...

                In response to his skeet claim, a photo was staged.

                It really is Barry....and it is a real shotgun with one port sealed for a right handed shooter to use.

                Lack of recoil and excess smoke...blank round. We used these in a ceremonial cannon in the Boy Scouts.

                Then it was shopprd in to a summer background....evrn though his clothes don’t match what he wore earlier on the alleged day.
                Last edited by bsteadman; 02-05-2013, 08:04 PM.
                B. Steadman


                • #9
                  Blank Ammo

                  Bob Shell's Blog

                  Bob Shell

                  A Custom Reloader of Obsolete and Antique Ammo, Bob Shell, writes about the subject of Guns, Ammo, Shooting and Related Subjects.


                  Almost any case can be made into making blanks. At a customers request I pulled bullets from 500/450 cases and loaded them with black powder to be used in a parade. After pulling the bullet I crimped with a regular 45 caliber crimp die. They worked fine. Twelve gauge shotgun shells can be used a well. I load 50 grains of FFFg behind a Styrofoam wad cut with a brass 10 gauge shell. With blank powder I need 35 grains in order to produce a loud noise. The muzzle blast is tremendous and should never be pointed at anyone at ranges under 25 feet or so. The wads should be cut for a tight fit to prevent leakage and produce a good noise. I use a MEC reloader to push the wadding tight against the powder then crimp down the crimp into the shell. The smaller gauges as well as the 10 gauge can be made the same way. Clean Shot also works a well giving the smoke without the corrosion. I load Clean Shot by volume using the same amount of space as black powder. Pyrodex also works well in most blanks. If you want to fool with blank powder it can work just have a tight wad. Start at 20 or so grains depending on gauge and adjust to noise level. That gives it a good tight fit. I push the crimp down into the shell. They feed and work fine.

                  View the complete article at:

                  B. Steadman


                  • #10
                    Video: Super Slow-Mo Skeet-Trap Shotgun - See the Pellets

                    Uploaded on Jan 30, 2011 by taofledermaus

                    View the video at:

                    B. Steadman


                    • #11
                      Skeeter President: Mock on, Americans

                      Petty rulers do not appreciate ridicule.

                      PJ Media

                      Mary Grabar


                      In his memoir Fear No Evil, Jewish Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky recounts the mind games the KGB played with him as they tried to entrap him in “confessions” of treason. What allowed Sharansky to survive was his ability to anticipate their moves in a game that began with transparent lies from his government, ones he recognized from kindergarten.

                      This month, as evidenced by the release of a photo supposedly showing the president engaged in skeet-shooting, we have similar mind games being played by the Obama administration and with all the sophistication of junior high school intrigues.

                      Sycophantic media, like the Daily Beast, the Washington Post, and New York Magazine, called mockers of President Obama’s skeet-shooting photo “conspiracy nuts.”

                      They seemed to be following orders, specifically a taunting tweet from David Plouffe on Saturday, February 2: “Attn skeet birthers. Make our day — Let the photoshop conspiracies begin!” A few minutes later, White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer tweeted, “For all the skeeters: POTUS shoots clay target on the range at Camp David.”

                      Both tweets linked to the official photo accompanied by the warning: ”This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.”

                      Amazingly, Chris Cillizza and Aaron Black at the Washington Post excused such preemptive pettiness as a necessity in today’s age of social media and claimed: “While Obama and his inner circle pride themselves on their lack of drama and their tendency not to overreact to the political winds that buffet Washington … they have repeatedly shown a keen awareness of and concern for issues that would have likely been considered beneath most past administrations.”

                      But both ringmasters, Plouffe and Pfeiffer, were off the mark in conjuring up reactions from “right-wingers.” Most of the comments did not question whether the photo was a fake. Rather, experienced skeet-shooters questioned Obama’s claim in the New Republic about doing this “all the time.” They critiqued the positioning of the shotgun, the level aim, and compared his amateurish stance to that when he threw out the first pitch at the World Series dressed in “mom jeans.” Obama did not take up Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn’s challenge to a skeet shoot.

                      These Americans also defied the orders against altering the photo, to the delight of my immigrant heart. I happened to be reading Sharansky that day and recalled a trip back to Marshall Tito’s Yugoslavia as a kid, when my father asked my uncles in a very low tone about the government — was there any more freedom than before we had emigrated? They evaded the question.

                      My international students tell me that mocking their leader can land them in jail. I had become discouraged watching fellow Americans meekly subject themselves to body searches for the privilege of boarding a plane. And I dread visits to a doctor’s office in the future when I am likely to be given the quality of care that I’ve come to expect at the Department of Motor Vehicles.

                      But on this occasion, a veritable artistic renaissance of American ingenuity sprang up on my Facebook page. Using Photoshop, red-blooded Americans who are insulted by Obama’s attempts to infringe on their First and Second Amendment rights put Obama in series of poses that gave the lie to the official image of manliness. Obama was given a pair of shapely female legs in hot pants, in pastel patterned underwear, and a bright pink tutu. He was shown in the Beverly Hillbillies truck with a shotgun. He was shown with Elmer Fudd. His shotgun was made into a Nerf gun. He was shown shooting the Constitution, straight ahead and not high in the air as one would with skeet shooting (as I’ve learned).

                      There is still a segment of the American population that will not comply with the kind of order that is demanded by petty dictators who are incapable of commanding respect in other ways.


                      View the complete article at:

                      Last edited by bsteadman; 02-12-2013, 03:08 PM.
                      B. Steadman

