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FRAMED: Paul Kevin Curtis. Charges dropped against suspect in ricin letters case.

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  • FRAMED: Paul Kevin Curtis. Charges dropped against suspect in ricin letters case.

    Paul Kevin Curtis was framed (probably not by the Government and likely by the someone he knew, a guy named "Everett Dutschke"):

    Ricin letters: Charges dropped against suspect in ricin letters case

    Reuters (via The Chicago Tribune)

    8:53 p.m. CDT, April 23, 2013


    "Curtis, who is 45 and known in Mississippi as an Elvis impersonator, had been released from jail on bond earlier on Tuesday after a judge indefinitely postponed a court hearing on his detention. The case was later dismissed "without prejudice," meaning the charges could be potentially reinstated if warranted.

    "Later on Tuesday federal law enforcement officials searched the house of a second Mississippi man, Everett Dutschke, Lee County Sheriff Jim Johnson told Reuters.


    "Dutschke is "cooperating fully" with the FBI, his attorney Lori Nail Basham told the Northeastern Mississippi Daily Journal. Dutschke has not been charged in the ricin case, she said.

    "Basham said Dutschke and Curtis were acquaintances and believed the two men had known each other for several years.


    "In 2007, Dutschke ran unsuccessfully as a Republican candidate against Stephen Holland, an incumbent Democratic state representative from the Tupelo area. Holland's mother, Sadie, is the judge to whom one of the ricin-tainted letters was mailed this month.

    "During the state campaign Dutschke produced a video titled "The Aliens are Coming," attacking his opponent for being soft on immigration, which stated that Holland was a "friend" of the September 11 hijackers."

    Read more at:,2069394.story