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ITB - The Foreign Student -- Dr. Kate's View

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  • ITB - The Foreign Student -- Dr. Kate's View

    The Foreign Student

    Dr. Kate's View

    ©2012 drkate


    "On the whole, there has been no other reason to hide the real Obama from the American people other than he is a foreigner. A foreign agent, a spy, a gigolo from another land…whatever, he is not an American.

    Americans know Americans. And he ain’t one of us.

    Even those of us born in another country and naturalized here can tell pretty easily. There is an accent, a mispronounced word, a mistaken phrase, bowing to foreign leaders, a look, the lack of appreciation. Its easy to tell Obama is not an American, does not love America, could care less about Americans, and just wants a paycheck and all the perks of ‘leading’ the country, even though he knows he is leading us off a cliff.

    Seal all the records. Hide everything. Use our own resources against us. By himself, Obama is a nothing, a hoodlum, scofflaw, and a scoundrel. He is the definition of ‘assisted living’. He associates with flea-bitten hoodlum dogs with names like Piglosi, Frank-weiner, Hair of the dog Reid, Eric Holdup and George Soros Sore-ass. He is surrounded by what he chooses to attract. They are his ugly peeps.

    Notice nobody confesses their ‘love’ for him without being bribed, coerced, or otherwise killed...."

    Obama–or whatever his name is– is a crafty two-bit hoodlum, but nevertheless, is a nothing."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman