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ITB - Kenyans Tell American Missionary: Obama Born In Our Village... Here In Kenya...

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  • ITB - Kenyans Tell American Missionary: Obama Born In Our Village... Here In Kenya...

    Kenyans Tell American Missionary: Obama Born In Our Village... Here In Kenya...

    Birther Report



    ( hat tip jaydee jepsen )
    Kenyans Tell American Missionary: Obama Was Born Here!
    By Mr. Conservative

    Kenyans are telling American missionaries that President Barack Hussein Obama was born in their country. Whether you share Donald Trump’s skepticism on Obama’s birth certificate or not, it is very interesting to learn that Americans traveling to Kenya are being told by highly educated natives that Obama was born in their village. We already know Obama’s father was born in Kenya, but this is a new twist on the prospective birthplace of his son.

    Lisa is an American missionary. She traveled with several members of her Baptist church to Kenya in August of 2012 and spent 10 days caring for the children in three different orphanages in a small village about three hours northwest of Nairobi. Lisa said that on three different occasions, in three different areas, highly educated Kenyans told her team that Obama is from Kenya.

    Lisa told us that there is a great deal of poverty in the village, but also a “great riff” among the classes. She said that the wealthier, educated Kenyan villagers spoke three languages: English, Swahili and Kukudo. (Kukudo is the native tongue.) She said: “It was the educated people who spoke to us [about Obama.]” Although nearly all of the villagers lacked cell phones and Internet is “very limited,” she noticed that they still paid attention to foreign affairs: “You’d see them standing around the street corners reading newspapers.”

    About three days into the missionary trip, Lisa and her team were “sitting around, just completely relaxing and playing games, singing songs and doing crafts with the children when—out of nowhere—the orphanage matron (who spoke English) came up to Lisa and asked: ‘Where are you from?’”

    Lisa answered: “Our team is from Alabama.” The matron responded: “Where’s that?” So, Lisa pulled out a map of the U.S. and all of the children and the orphanage staff came over and she showed them Alabama on the map.

    Then, the matron said, “Oh, your president, Obama, he’s from here!” And they pointed off into the distance to a nearby village, indicating Obama’s birthplace. Lisa says: “We were just completely shocked. We didn’t know what to say. But they acted like it was common knowledge. The other orphanage staffers (who did not speak English) gathered around the matron and were nodding and saying: ‘Yes! Yes!’ in agreement. In their mind, they were just so excited and proud of the fact that our president was from there. It was like he was their homeboy.”

    Lisa recalls the second time this occurred Lisa and her team were chatting ladies at the orphanage. Lisa said, “The parents were teaching their kids that ‘even they could be the president of America,’ as a way to inspire them to big dreams. It was clear from our conversations that, they hold Obama up as an inspiration for their children. I also remember trying to correct the first lady who said that Obama was born in Kenya by saying, ‘No, I think he was born in Hawaii,” and she said, “No, no, he was born here. We are very proud. He is Kenyan.’ They use this information to inspire the children of Kenya: ‘even you can be the president.”

    Lisa’s son-in law also vouches for this story since he Skyped with her immediately after it happened and remembers it very clearly.
    B. Steadman