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WTF - Cop shoots & Kills 21 year old girl Andrea Rebello held hostage to save himself

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  • WTF - Cop shoots & Kills 21 year old girl Andrea Rebello held hostage to save himself

    I read this about his when it happened last month (May, 2013) but forgot to make a note here on the forum.

    I just now read that there is some new news (finally!) in this case and here it is:

    Andrea Rebello family to sue Nassau cops for wrongful death, court papers say. I'm relived that something will now be done about these cowardly cops (who like to play Rambo) who shoot (and kill ) innocent hostages when they (the cop) get scared.

    Here's a little background on the ordeal for readers who aren't familiar with the story because the main stream media buried it directly after they issued their brief spin reports:

    Last month Nassau County Police Officer Nikolas Budimlic shot and killed a very young woman named Andrea Rebello, she was a college student (public relations major), as criminal parolee Dalton Smith, 30, held her in a chokehold during the robbery about 2:30 a.m. on May 17th, 2013.

    Andrea Rebello picture:

    Andrea Rebello.JPG

    To be clear: Dalton Smith (the criminal) walked into (doors unlocked) a house (he didn't know the people) and took the family (and their friends in the house) as hostages in an attempt to extort money by sending family members to ATM machines and banks to get retrieve money.

    The cop Nikolas Budimlic shows up after family/friends call the police. HOWEVER, rather than waiting outside and forming a plan and bringing in a hostage negotiator, the cop Budimlic runs into the house like Rambo trying to be a hero and ends up getting pinned down (the criminal has the draw on him).

    NOTE: The criminal, black American Dalton Smith, never fired a single shot.

    The frightened cop Nikolas Budimlic fired eight shots after Dalton Smith pointed a handgun at him while using the young college girl Andrea Rebello as a human shield.

    The cop busted the the young girl in the head with one of the eight rounds and killed her.

    And why fire eight (8) rounds? If a citizen did that to defend in an attack they'd be accused of overdoing and excessive force.

    What a hero that police officer is (not).

    If you can't hold your mud the don't sign up to be a police officer.

    To make things even more difficult to stomach is the fact that the Police Department's position is that is not the cops fault that the girl was killed. You can watch Nassau County Police Benevolent Association president James Carver says the only person responsible for the fatal shooting of a Hofstra student was the criminal Dalton Smith in the video embedded at the following link:

    I'm glad the girl's family has decided to initiate legal action against the police officer.