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ITB - Sexy Obama Girl! (Vote Getting Obama Girl) -- Do you still love me? BHO-II

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  • ITB - Sexy Obama Girl! (Vote Getting Obama Girl) -- Do you still love me? BHO-II

    Team '12: Obama Girl, Alphacat


    Patrick Gavin


    "In POLITICO’s recent interview with Amber Lee Ettinger (aka “Obama Girl”), Ettinger confessed that she was a bit miffed that President Barack Obama never thanked her for her online advocacy for the then-senator’s presidential run in 2008.

    Finally, however, the two are united … sort of.

    If you’re familiar with Ettinger’s work — namely, sexy YouTube videos of her making the case for her “crush” — Obama — you probably also know of “Alphacat,” aka, Iman Crosson, whose YouTube impersonations of Obama have earned his YouTube channel more than 415,000 subscribers (Washington politicos may recall his performance at the 2010 Radio and TV Correspondents’ Association Dinner).

    Well, for the first time, Ettinger and Crosson are appearing in a video together. In the world of Obama-themed YouTube videos, this is like a Kanye-Jay-Z collaboration.

    In “Glease” (you guessed it: It’s a parody of “You’re the One That I Want” from “Grease” and “Glee”), a smitten Obama seeks the affection (read: vote) of the Obama Girl.

    “You better step up, cuz I need that man, if my old crush on you was true,” sings Ettinger.

    “So much left for me to do!” says Obama.

    Then, the “You’re the one that I want” chorus becomes “You wanna our vote …”

    “My vote you need, or change indeed,” concludes Ettinger.

    It’s part of a larger theme for Ettinger — one of searching for a candidate to back in 2012 — that she elaborated on during a recent interview with POLITICO.

    “I haven’t really decided which way I’m going to go yet,” said Ettinger. “I’m still keeping my eyes and ears open.” (It was Ettinger’s “I’ve Got a Crush on Obama” YouTube video in 2008 that has garnered nearly 25 million views.)

    (bold and underline emphasis added)

    View the complete article, including video, at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 02-17-2012, 05:20 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    'Obama Girl' Turns on President, Slams Him in New Video


    Paul Scicchitano


    "She turned heads and made headlines during the 2008 election with her scantily clad rendition of “Obama Girl” and now she’s back. But this time Amber Lee Ettinger is singing a different tune.

    Like many Americans, Ettinger seems to be rethinking her earlier choice after three years of President Barack Obama.

    “Obama Girl?” calls the president’s look-a-like to begin the 2012 release: “Glease,” to which Ettinger replies, “What’s it to you dud?”Performed as a take-off on the hit TV series “Glee” and sung to the tune of “You’re the One That I want” from “Grease,” the new video shows the still vivacious Ettinger questioning her allegiance to Obama this time around.

    The original "I Got A Crush On Obama" went viral on YouTube with lines like "Universal health care reform, it makes me warm," and drew more than three million hits and nearly 10,000 comments in its first two months."


    View the complete article with 'hot' embedded VIDEO at:


    My comment: I think it is 'interesting' that Ettinger refers several times in the video to 'Barry'. We don't often see Barack being referred to by the name 'Barry' (Soetoro) in the popular media venues!

    We don't even know for sure if his real, ballot-legal' name is 'Barack Obama', 'Barry Soetoro' or perhaps something else.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 02-17-2012, 05:26 PM.
    B. Steadman

