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ITB/TMQ - Allen West: Teach usurper Obama lesson we taught King George III

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  • ITB/TMQ - Allen West: Teach usurper Obama lesson we taught King George III

    Allen West: Teach usurper Obama lesson we taught King George III

    BizPac Review

    Michael Dorstewitz

    In a pre-Independence Day message on his Facebook page, former Florida GOP Congressman Allen West let loose on President Barack Obama, referring to him as a “charlatan” and “usurper” and suggesting it was time for a second American revolution.

    “This week we’ll celebrate the 237th anniversary of our independence. But are we a free people?” he began on his Facebook page.

    West then referred to Wednesday’s Supreme Court decision that threw out California’s Proposition 8, which had outlawed same-sex marriages within the state. In doing so, the court negated a popular vote — the will of the people.

    “SCOTUS made an ill-conceived ruling believing the choice of sexual behavior should trump the peoples’s referendum,” he opined. “We are free to love anyone or anything we desire in America, but that does not correlate to rights beyond the unalienable ones Jefferson articulated 237 years ago.”

    Next, West brought up the almost $1 million grant being used to teach kids in Los Angeles to be little propagandists for Obamacare.

    In California we have a state-funded grant for the Los Angeles Unified School District to abuse the concept of public education by turning public schools into indoctrination factories, forcing children to spout the joys of Obamacare. The district listed as a primary outcome for its project, “Teens trained to be messengers to family members.” Covered California spokeswoman Sarah Soto-Taylor said staff have not questioned this goal. She stated, “We have confidence that the model LA Unified brought to the table will be successful in reaching our target population, which includes family members of students.

    In addition to turning the students into the president’s personal Goebbels, West notes that school staff will be used in the effort, making one wonder when and if any time is ever set aside to teach real subjects.

    “LA Unified will also use tax-paid staff to promote ObamaCare through phone calls to students’ homes, in-class presentations, and meetings with employees eligible for ObamaCare’s taxpayer-covered healthcare, the grant award says.”

    After loading, cocking and aiming his gun with the above, West pulls the trigger and lets loose a blast directed squarely at the commander-in-chief.

    “Obama said he would fundamentally transform America,” he said. “The time draws near to teach this usurper and charlatan the lesson our forefathers taught King George III. We will not be ruled by arrogance and edict.
    - (bold, underline and color emphasis on TMQ)

    View the complete article at:


    Is West starting to rethink his ill-advised previous stance regarding Obama's proven birth certificate forgery and likely POTUS ineligibility? Possibly!

    According to Mike Zullo, West, when contacted recently at the CPAC Conference, did not want to chance jeopardizing his future political career by promising support to Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio and thus associate himself with the birther cause.

    Perhaps West has since received derogatory comments from a fair number of his FORMER supporters, who have now abandoned him because of his cowardice on this critically important issue of Obama's likely inelibgibility! Also, he may now be aware of a RAPIDLY BUILDING MOMENTUM on Arpaio's project to expose Obama as a fraud and usurper with the help of some key members of Congress.

    West, like any other typical politician, appears to now be attempting to put a toe-in-the-water on the 'Obama is a Usurper' matter in hopes of being ultimately perceived to be on the winning side.

    I must admit it is a clever move on his part and, if he continues on with this luke-warm support for the birther cause, many people will probably forgive his previous transgression.

    What I'd really like to see, of course, is for West to come out PUBLICLY and FORCEFULLY in support of Zullo and Arpaio!
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Allen West Goes Full Birther: Time Draws Near To Teach Usurper & Charlatan Obama A Lesson

    Birther Report



    Allen West Goes Full Birther: Time Draws Near To Teach This Usurper & Charlatan The Lesson Our Forefathers Taught King George III

    Usurper: Definition of USURP

    1 a : to seize and hold (as office, place, or powers) in possession by force or without right
    b : to take or make use of without right

    2 : to take the place of by or as if by force : supplant
    intransitive verb: to seize or exercise authority or possession wrongfully [...] - Merriam Webster.

    Allen West: This week we’ll celebrate the 237th anniversary of our independence. But are we a free people? SCOTUS made an ill-conceived ruling believing the choice of sexual behavior should trump the peoples’s referendum. We are free to love anyone or anything we desire in America, but that does not correlate to rights beyond the unalienable ones Jefferson articulated 237 years ago.

    In California we have a state-funded grant for the Los Angeles Unified School District to abuse the concept of public education by turning public schools into indoctrination factories, forcing children to spout the joys of Obamacare. The district listed as a primary outcome for its project, "Teens trained to be messengers to family members." Covered California spokeswoman Sarah Soto-Taylor said staff have not questioned this goal. She stated, "We have confidence that the model LA Unified brought to the table will be successful in reaching our target population, which includes family members of students." LA Unified will also use tax-paid staff to promote ObamaCare through phone calls to students' homes, in-class presentations, and meetings with employees eligible for ObamaCare's taxpayer-covered healthcare, the grant award says.

    Obama said he would fundamentally transform America. The time draws near to teach this usurper and charlatan the lesson our forefathers taught King George III. We will not be ruled by arrogance and edict. [] Allen West @ Facebook. Hat tip Julio.

    FLASHBACK: Army Veteran Takes Allen West To Task For Dodging Obama Identity Document Fraud - DETAILS ... .

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Allen West Goes Full Birther: Time Draws Near To Teach Usurper & Charlatan Obama A Lesson', which was started 6/30/2013 by 'Seizethecarp'

      The thread references the 6/30/2013 Birther Report article - http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogs...ime-draws.html

      View the complete Free Republic thread at: is interpreting Allen West calling Barry a "usurper" as the equivalent of West "going Birther" and declaring Barry ineligible.

      Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups met with West at CPAC and showed him Zullo's most damning new proof that Barry is ineligible, but West declined to "take the point" on exposing Barry at the time saying that he had future political aspirations or something like that (IIRC).

      Shortly after that West signed on with FOX News as an official commentator and I expect he had to agree NOT to go public with any "Birther" least without permission of Roger Ailes.

      While it is disappointing for West to have apparently agreed to stay silent on the forged pdf BC, note that even Joe Arpaio has been on FOX several times recently and has admitted that he has agreed to stay silent on the forgery as a condition of appearing on FOX to discuss other immigration related issues, recall attempts and lawsuits against him by DOJ.

      Maybe West just can't take Barry's duplicity any more and is easing his way into calling out the forgery, but this one comment is not what I would personally call "going full birther."

      1 posted on Sunday, June 30, 2013 11:25:19 PM by Seizethecarp

      To: Seizethecarp

      Yes Seize, I am real hesitant on Alan West because of how he treated the subject when Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups approached him at CPAC.

      5 posted on Sunday, June 30, 2013 11:33:16 PM by Cold Case Posse Supporter

      To: Cold Case Posse Supporter

      I agree west chickened out to address it before for his own political ambitions....maybe now he sees what happened to Rubio and is rethinking the results. Voters are sick of self serving politicians that blow in the wind. We want statesmen not politicians

      7 posted on Sunday, June 30, 2013 11:35:46 PM by rolling_stone

      To: TheZMan

      I believe it could happen. All it takes is enough people being convinced that we’re not going to make it another three years at the rate we’re going.

      10 posted on Sunday, June 30, 2013 11:53:23 PM by varmintman

      To: Cold Case Posse Supporter

      Yes Seize, I am real hesitant on Alan West because of how he treated the subject when Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups approached him at CPAC.

      Yes, but when you have confirmed knowledge that the NSA/FBI/SS/DHS/IRS/Attorney General/President are willing to , and can strip the shirt off your back, take your home, take your money, rape your children, and have you Foster'd , then you have to pick your path carefully.

      15 posted on Monday, July 01, 2013 12:20:58 AM by UCANSEE2 (The monsters are due on Maple Street)

      To: Seizethecarp

      Now if Drudge would stop ignoring the matter and pick this story up, we may gain some momentum.

      17 posted on Monday, July 01, 2013 12:37:03 AM by Constitution 123

      To: WildHighlander57

      “...We will not be ruled by arrogance and edict.” Yet, this fool voted and defended his vote, for the NDAA. West is a punk, unworthy of quoting, much less idolizing as a future leader.

      30 posted on Monday, July 01, 2013 4:42:54 AM by RedHeeler

      To: Seizethecarp

      I find West’s comment interesting. It appears to me that West may be hedging his bets a bit - he is 100% politician now. The part I really find interesting, is that the only reason he might feel the need to hedge his bets in this way, is if he feels it may actually go somewhere. If it does, then he can tell people, “look, I was behind the people that exposed Obama. Look I even called him a usurper before it all broke out”.

      32 posted on Monday, July 01, 2013 9:13:22 AM by MMaschin
      Last edited by bsteadman; 07-01-2013, 02:32 PM.
      B. Steadman

