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LOL - Kenyan children all smiles while wearing donated Romney/Ryan t-shirts [PHOTOS]

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  • LOL - Kenyan children all smiles while wearing donated Romney/Ryan t-shirts [PHOTOS]

    Kenyan children all smiles while wearing donated Romney/Ryan t-shirts [PHOTOS]

    The Daily Caller

    Caroline May


    President Obama might have ancestral roots in Kenya, but at least one school in Kenya is all about former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

    The Knox County Romney Campaign of Tennessee has outfitted some 200 children at the Orbit Village Project in Nairobi, Kenya with leftover Romney campaign t-shirts from the 2012 election cycle.

    Alexander Waters, the campaign director for the Knox County Romney Campaign, explained to The Daily Caller that his group decided to send the shirts to the school and refuge as Waters’ aunt, Cyndy Waters, runs the project and its American base is in Sevierville, Tenn.

    “I mentioned to her that we had a lot of shirts and that we were wondering if they had a need for them and she said, ‘Yes, that would be great.’ So instead of putting them into a storage unit or something we were like, ‘We can generate some good out of these shirts,’” Waters said.

    “I’ve been over there and a shirt can go a long way,” he added.

    The children received the donated shirts on the Fourth of July.

    In pictures Waters provided to TheDC, the children wear blue and white Romney/Ryan t-shirts and huge smiles.

    .................................................. .

    View the complete article, including photos, at:
    B. Steadman