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ITB - A Wolf in Obama’s clothing? -- Canada Free Press, Judi McLeod

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  • ITB - A Wolf in Obama’s clothing? -- Canada Free Press, Judi McLeod

    A Wolf in Obama’s clothing?

    Canada Free Press

    Judi McLeod


    Washington Times columnist and Daily Caller contributor notwithstanding, running to replace Republican Pat Roberts as President Barack Obama’s “second cousin once removed” may be the kiss of political death for Dr. Milton Wolf.

    “Milton Wolf and Barack Obama hail from the McCurry Family, as described in Dreams From My Father,” Wolf loudly proclaims from his home page. “I’m enormously proud that America has elected our first black president and I’m also enormously proud to call this president family,” says Dr. Wolf. “Still, I have profound differences in opinion with Barack. “Tragically, he misunderstands the greatness of America and believes it is found in our bloated bureaucracies and government regulations. He believes America suffers because our government is too small. I believe our greatness is found in our free people and a free market. I believe America suffers precisely because government has grown too bloated and intrusive.”

    That’s an “enormous” mouthful that could arouse “enormous suspicions”, particularly in reading the comments left by readers on today’s Drudge story, ‘Obama Relative Considering GOP Primary Challenge’, describing how “a distant cousin of President Barack Obama is mulling a primary challenge to Kansas Republican Senator Pat Roberts for 2014”.

    ...”He would had alot better chanse ) had he not mentioned who he was related to”, jack commented on the National Review Online piece picked up by Drudge.

    “If they are related to the Liar in Chief, I would not trust them as far as I could throw them…” Lynn posted.

    How are Wolf and Obama related?

    “Obama and Wolf are related through Thomas Creekmore McCurrry, who is the president’s great-great grandfather and Wolf’s great grandfather. Their mothers were friends in Wichita, Kan, where the president’s mother, Ann Dunham, was born and spent part of her childhood”. (National Review Online, Sept. 13, 2013)


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman