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WTF - TV Shows Will Soon Be Weaving Obamacare Into Plotlines

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  • WTF - TV Shows Will Soon Be Weaving Obamacare Into Plotlines

    TV Shows Will Soon Be Weaving Obamacare Into Plotlines


    Josh Feldman


    Young people are key for the Affordable Care Act to work, and as a result of a half-million-dollar grant by the California Endowment, TV shows regularly consumed by these young people will soon be weaving Obamacare into plotlines in order to get more of them enrolled in the health care program.

    If you’ve ever watched Modern Family or New Girl and thought, “Gee, if only I was learning about the benefits of a complex federal program during this, it would be so much better,” you’re in luck!

    The 18-month grant, to the Lear Center’s Hollywood Health & Society program, will be used for briefings with staff from television shows and to track health overhaul-related depictions on prime-time and Spanish-language television.

    Since the grant money was provided so recently, no plot lines involving health care have been written…

    For those who could benefit from coverage, “we want them to get the facts. We don’t believe the government alone can break through with those facts,” said David Zingale, a California Endowment senior vice president.

    Though based on how two TV shows have already addressed the health care law, they may not get so lucky.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman