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ITB - Paternity Test for Possible Obama Love Child? Slain Woman, Miriam Carey

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  • ITB - Paternity Test for Possible Obama Love Child? Slain Woman, Miriam Carey

    Family of Slain Miriam Carey Calls for Paternity Test of Possible Obama Love Child

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Shock: Family Of Woman Killed In DC Calls For Obama Paternity Test; Love Child?

    Birther Report



    Shock Claim: Woman Slaughtered In DC Was Mama Of Obama Love Child? Calls For Paternity Test

    Pastor James David Manning claims the woman gunned down by authorities in DC, Miriam Carey, was the mama of Obama's love child. Carey's family have demanded an investigation into her death. Pastor Manning and Miriam’s sister, Valarie Carey, a retired NYPD police sergeant, are also demanding Obama submit to a paternity test.

    ( Video via Manning Report. )

    Excerpt via Dr. Eowyn @ DC Clothesline:

    In the video below, Rev./Dr. James David Manning refers to a phone interview he had with Miriam’s sister, Valarie Carey, who is a retired New York City police sergeant, and points out many oddities about Miriam’s death:
    • Why did Capitol Hill police, who are trained to be temperate, instead shot to kill an unarmed woman who had a baby in the back seat of her car? No guns or bombs or threatening letters were found in her car. (To that I’ll add this: If police thought Miriam’s careening car was a public hazard, why didn’t they shoot out the car’s tires?)
    • Why did police not follow the usual procedure of notifying the next of kin first? Instead, according to Valerie Carey, police released Miriam’s identification to the public before notifying her family. Valerie found out about her sister from a reporter’s phone call.
    • When the Carey family traveled to Washington, DC, they were told they couldn’t see Miriam’s body but were just shown a photo of her body.
    • To this day, the Carey family has not been given an official notification of Miriam’s death, or of the autopsy report, or how many times she was shot.
    • Why are black race-agitators like Al Sharpton and Charles Rangel silent about Miriam’s shooting death when they normally raise a hue-and-cry about any alleged police mistreatment of blacks? Sharpton’s silence is especially noteworthy because Miriam’s sister, Valerie Carey, is on the executive board of his National Action Network. Did somebody get to Sharpton?
    • Why did the police intimidate and silence Carey family attorney Eric Sanders?
    • Why is Miriam being discredited and portrayed as a mentally-ill, deranged woman when there is no evidence as such? On the contrary, Miriam was highly functional, being a dental hygienist. The only medication she was taking was prescription med for post-partum depression.
    • And the biggest question of all: Why did Miriam Carey drive to Washington, DC that day, and specifically to the White House?

    That last question is what prompted Valarie Carey to wonder if her sister’s 18-month-old daughter is Barack Obama’s “love child.”

    To answer that question, Valarie Carey and Rev. Manning are demanding a paternity test of Miriam’s daughter, and that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder conduct an investigation into the death of Miriam Carey.

    Click here for Valarie’s petition. [...] Continued @ The D.C. Clothesline.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Another website is requesting the following:

      1. Security camera footage from that day at the White House. All of it. Unfiltered, unaltered.

      2. Immediate and unconditional release of that child [from protective custody] to her maternal grandparents.

      3. A paternity tests for that child compared to the DNA of every White House staffer and elected (or appointed) official. Starting from the top down.

      4. White House visitor logs dating back 3 years


      • #4
        My comment:

        Miriam Carey - the mother of Obama's secret 'love child'? LOL

        I find that 'tabloid-taylored" scenario VERY HARD TO BELIEVE.

        Furthermore, I suspect that Obama's handlers are having great fun with the story and especially the diversion that it has been generating in the birther community. The story makes 'Bathhouse Barry' seem almost 'straight-male' and even a bit 'roguish' and 'Clintonesque', and he needs all the help he can get along those lines.

        Ms. Carey's mental problems and untimely, violent death were very tragic, but I seriously doubt that Obama was in any way personally involved with the woman.

        A thorough investigation regarding the questionable actions of the Washington, DC Police Force is certainly appropriate.

        B. Steadman

        Miriam Carey, Woman Killed In Capitol Chase, Thought Obama Was ‘Listening To Her’

        Sources: Thought She Was Prophet, Prez Would Put Stamford Under Lockdown

        CBS New York



        NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) – The Connecticut woman shot to death by police after she tried to drive through barricades outside the White House held the delusional belief that the president was communicating with her, a federal law enforcement official said Friday.

        Authorities said Miriam Carey, 34, of Stamford set off a high-speed car chase that put the Capitol on lockdown Thursday and caused panic in a city where a gunman killed 12 people two weeks ago.

        Carey was traveling with her 1-year-old daughter who avoided serious injury and was taken into protective custody.

        The chain of events began Thursday when Carey sped onto a driveway leading to the White House, over a set of barricades.

        When she couldn’t get through a second barrier, she spun the car in the opposite direction and then sped down Pennsylvania Avenue. Then the chase began.


        View the complete article at:
        Last edited by bsteadman; 12-05-2013, 05:58 PM.
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          Why did Capitol cops cut down 'innocent' woman?

          'This is something those officers will have to live with'


          Garth Kant


          WASHINGTON — A woman shot and killed by police on Capitol Hill supposedly was a threat to public safety, but a review of the known facts shows it was the police who may have posed the greater threat to public safety.

          It appears Miriam Carey never violated any law until police began pursuing her car. Officers, on the other hand, fired numerous shots at her in a crowded public space near the Capitol, as the video below shows.

          Seeing the news reports of the Oct. 3 shooting, many Americans came away with the impression that a mentally unstable and dangerous woman rammed a gate at the White House, sped away and was eventually shot by police because she could have posed a security threat to the nation’s capital.

          But the official record raises numerous questions about that account, and the mainstream media have asked very few questions about the shooting death of Miriam Carey by police:
          • Did she really ram a White House gate?
          • Did she do anything illegal until police began pursuing her?
          • Why didn’t police try to Taser her instead of shooting her?
          • Why didn’t police shoot her tires instead of shooting into the car?
          • If police feared she had an explosive device, why would they shoot at her?
          • Was she really mentally unhinged, as claimed by some?
          • Why did police shoot her at all?

          ‘Why are you firing?’

          The indisputable facts are that police shot and killed 34-year-old Miriam Carey after a car chase, and that her infant daughter, Erica, was in her vehicle.

          Carey family attorney Eric Sanders has requested the Department of Justice launch a federal investigation into what happened and how the dental hygienist ended up dead.

          WND spoke with Sanders and with Miriam’s sister, Valerie Carey. Both she and Sanders are former officers with the New York City Police Department.

          The big question, of course, is why police shot Miriam.

          Drawing upon her professional experience, Valerie made perhaps the key point, that despite whatever questions have arisen about training, protocol and public safety, the officers at the scene ultimately had to decide for themselves how to best act responsibly.

          “As an officer, you have to ask yourself, ‘What is going on here?’ No one is firing a weapon at you, so why are you firing?”

          But, Valerie said Americans should know this case presents even bigger questions.

          ‘We can’t allow our civil liberties to be stripped’

          “Everyone should realize we can’t allow our civil liberties to be stripped in front of us. If my sister was traveling and came across a roadblock – we’re not even sure it was a checkpoint, there was some training going on in the area – she should not have to be in fear of those sworn to protect us. And neither should we.”

          Sanders echoed those sentiments, saying, “The bottom line is that there’s a potential civil-rights claim here. Because, how do you visit Washington, D.C., as a U.S. citizen and end up getting killed?”

          “It’s important for people to understand that just because a car, even it were driven recklessly … you don’t lose your rights in this country because people are fearful. You don’t lose your rights because the police are apprehensive. If we start going down that road, we have a big problem,” added the attorney.

          Sanders said the fear of terrorism cannot be used to justify any and every action by law enforcement.

          “Everything is terrorism, terrorism, terrorism …. and that’s the answer for everything. That’s not the answer for everything. You don’t lose your rights because of terrorism. We still have a Constitution. If we don’t start enforcing it we’re all in trouble.”

          A soft-spoken Valerie was still clearly in mourning for her sister, but she also spoke as a patriot who feared for her country.

          “The news cycle sort of died down once it became clear she was not a terrorist threat. The media should have reported an innocent and unarmed woman was killed by police,” she said. “That’s unacceptable. They cannot justify their actions. It was wrong, and America needs to know that.”

          Mishandled by the media

          Sanders said the media mishandled the story from the start by getting the most basic facts wrong.

          The headline on the ABC website read “Attempt to Ram White House Gate Ends With Conn. Woman Dead.”

          “The incident began at approximately 2:12 p.m. when a black Infiniti rammed a barrier outside the White House at 15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW,” read the article.

          NBC Washington’s website reported, “Law enforcement authorities still don’t know why a Connecticut woman tried to breach a barrier at the White House.”

          “The chase began at 2:12 p.m. when Ms. Carey, who was driving a black two-door Infiniti with Connecticut plates, tried to ram through a White House checkpoint at 15th and E Streets Northwest,” reported the New York Times.

          However, contrary to those reports, she never tried to ram a White House gate or a barrier, according to the affidavit filed by the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department.


          View the complete article, including videos, at:

          B. Steadman


          • #6
            Missing! Video of mother killed by police

            WND finds surveillance cameras surrounding area where unarmed woman shot


            Garth Kant


            WASHINGTON – Nearly three months after an unarmed, young, black single mother with a one-year-old daughter in tow was gunned down in broad daylight by police on a crystal-clear autumn afternoon in the shadow of the U.S. Capitol, a veil of official silence remains over the case.

            The Secret Service, the Washington Metro Police and the Capitol Police have withheld virtually all details of the shooting from the family of Miriam Carey, a 34-year-old dental hygienist from Connecticut, and the public. Those details include forensics reports that would show how many times Carey was shot, her cause of death, the position of the body at the time of death, video and photos, multiple eyewitness accounts and an explanation as to why police believed deadly force was necessary to subdue her while she had her infant daughter with her.

            No one has been charged in the case, which has been handed over to Attorney General Eric Holder for investigation.

            A WND investigation shows at least seven security cameras in the immediate vicinity of the fatal police shooting Oct. 3, while a number of police cruiser dash-cams also likely recorded the incident as police surrounded Carey’s car. While cell phone cameras recorded the initial volley of shots fired by police on Carey’s car near the White House, none capturing the fatal shooting near the Capitol have surfaced. Officials won’t even confirm if video of the incident exists.

            Except one.

            WND approached a guard shack, about two blocks from the Capitol dome, where Miriam Carey was shot dead after a chase from a White House checkpoint, and asked a U.S. Capitol police officer on duty a few, simple questions:

            If a major crime such as a rape or murder were to happen within blocks of the Capitol, would there be video of it?

            “Oh yeah,” he answered, nodding his head vigorously.

            What about the shooting of Miriam Carey, is there video of that?

            “Yes,” he said without hesitation, while adding he had not seen it personally.

            Apparently no one has seen it, other than perhaps a few select members of law enforcement.

            It may be understandable why police would be reluctant to release that video, as it might confirm what legal experts and civil libertarians from both left and right sides of the political spectrum have told WND, that they believe Carey was, in effect, murdered by police.

            Did police murder Carey?

            Renowned journalist and First Amendment expert Nat Hentoff told WND the evidence that officers killed recklessly was so strong, “[T]his is a classic case of police out of control and, therefore, guilty of plain murder.”

            Constitutional law expert John Whitehead, president and founder of the nonprofit civil-liberties organization the Rutherford Institute, agreed, telling WND that from what he’d seen, it looked like murder.

            Political activist and former Graham County, Ariz., Sheriff Richard Mack called it “sloppy” police work and saw “no justification whatsoever” for the use of deadly force against Carey.

            Dan Bongino, former Secret Service agent and author of the New York Times bestseller “Life Inside the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away From It All”, was reluctant to second-guess the actions of law enforcement officers in a fast-moving and confusing situation and loath to evaluate their decisions in hindsight.

            But even he felt the situation, involving Secret Service agents at the White House, could have been handled better and doubted that those involved, or their superiors, would dispute that.

            Conflicting reports

            Carey was shot to death by uniformed members of the Secret Service and U.S. Capitol Police officers after a police chase that began at the White House and ended at a guard shack at Second Street and Constitution Avenue, two blocks from the Capitol.

            Upon visiting the shooting location, WND easily identified seven security cameras in the immediate vicinity. The U.S. Capitol police sergeant on duty at first gave WND permission to shoot video from across the street. But after giving it further thought, officers asked WND not to published the video, and out of respect for their national security concerns, WND obliged.

            Miriam Carey shooting press conference. WND photo by Garth Kant.

            There are a number of reasons civil libertarians doubt officers needed to shoot Carey to subdue her.

            Contrary to media reports that she tried to ram a White House gate or barrier, the initial police report shows she never tried to ram anything, and merely tried to make a U-turn after having arrived at a checkpoint. Videos of that incident show police pointing guns directly at Carey.

            Also contrary to media reports, there is no mention of Carey striking any officers with her black Nissan Infiniti. Video of that incident also contradicts the early media reports.

            The police report also indicates she did not break any laws, until she suddenly found herself pursued by heavily armed officers shooting at her.

            No one has been able to explain why police did not use non-lethal force in either attempting to stop her car with tire spikes or by shooting out the tires, or why officers did not try to subdue the unarmed woman with pepper spray or a taser, but instead chose to shoot the defenseless 34-year-old mother.

            Carey’s 14-month-old girl Erica was in the backseat as police shot at Carey at least seven times during the chase, as seen in a video recording. It is also not clear if officers removed the child from the car before shooting and killing her mother and, if so, why they didn’t simply arrest Carey.


            View the complete article, including video and photos, at:

            B. Steadman

