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ITB/??? - Whistle blower claims she forged Obama's birth certificate

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  • ITB/??? - Whistle blower claims she forged Obama's birth certificate

    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Whistle Blower Claims She Forged Obama’s Birth Certificate, Guess Who It Is?', which was started 12/26/2013 by 'Fawn'

    The thread references a 12/26/2013 Liberty Digest article written by William Wallace -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    Excerpt from the original article:

    It is important to note that the only person to “see” and authenticate the long form birth certificate of one President Barrack H. Obama is now dead in a plane crash. Even more controversial is the one that they submitted as truth on the website is 10 layered in Photo Shop and thought to be fake. The conspiracy never seems to die.

    Now a whistle blower comes forward and claims she forged Obama’s birth certificate in 1985. She doesn’t just claim that she did the long form, but the short form as well. Both those claims if proven are enough to make people worry about who really is our President.

    Funny how this person is not only a family member but also insists she did it for the drug cartels in Mexico. Fast and Furious and the Federal Court ruling to include drugs and child smuggling make more sense now.

    Bold, underline and color emphasis added in the following excerpt.

    Excerpt from the thread:

    To: machogirl

    This doesn’t sound credible for a lot of reasons. And even if what she said is true (which seems highly unlikely), what matters is whether the HDOH claims to have a birth record for Obama.

    The HDOH has verified to KS SOS Kris Kobach that they have a BC for Obama with the BC# that’s on the forgery.

    That was done by Fuddy in early 2011, after Abercrombie’s “investigation” couldn’t find any BC for Obama anywhere.

    Fuddy didn’t make the forgery but she forced somebody at the HDOH to do it. Just like she forced them to fabricate Johanna Ah Nee’s BC and backdate the “certified copy” to 1995, and fabricate Virginia Sunahara’s death certificate. There are blatant signs of forgery on both those documents, and the falsifier of Sunahara’s death certificate actually went to EXTRA TROUBLE to put the red flags in - taking out the first line and adding “T.H. (Territory of Hawaii) file no” where it would have said “state file no”.

    Alvin Onaka’s office would not verify the facts of Obama’s birth that are claimed on the BC at the HDOH. That can only be because the record they have is not legally valid. So they’ve got a non-valid BC (using the same BC# as on the forged short-form) that was created in early 2011, between January when Abercrombie told Mike Evans there was no HI BC for Obama, and April 26 when Obama’s people posted the forged PDF. That could not have happened without Fuddy.We know Fuddy was involved.

    And now she’s dead.

    My bet is that this woman is insane (especially if it is true that she’s made videos confessing to all kinds of other big-story involvement, such as murders) and/or “coaxed” into making this “confession” to muddy the waters as the real evidence points more and more to Fuddy and a few others who know of what Fuddy did.

    Fuddy is dead. Those few others who know what she did need to get out of the country by whatever means necessary, and go to the FOREIGN PRESS with the true story of what happened - before they die after a non-fatal plane landing also. It can’t be the US press. They have been threatened. The way Snowden did it is the only way that will work now, and it is the ONLY WAY that those few people will ever be safe.

    They need to take this very, very seriously.

    116 posted on Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:02:05 PM by butterdezillion (Free online faxing at Fax all your elected officials. Make DC listen.)

    Last edited by bsteadman; 12-28-2013, 05:40 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Barack Hussein Obama II related to LORETTA FUDDY?


    To: Nero Germanicus; Brown Deer


    Fred Bunche is believed to have had Bunch and other ancestors who were established as free people of color in Virginia before the American Revolution. The Bunch/Bunche surname was extremely rare. In 2012 researchers published evidence showing that Bunch male descendants can be traced through historical records and y-DNA analysis to John Punch, an African indentured servant sentenced to life service in 1640, and considered to be the first slave in Virginia.[7] President Barack Obama is also believed to be among Bunch’s many descendants, through his mother’s family.[7] Several generations of the Bunch men, free people of color, married white women from the British Isles, who were free.[8]

    369 posted on 12/28/2013 7:39:27 PM PST by Fred Nerks

    To: Fred Nerks

    Cynthia Mae Fuddy, younger sister of Loretta Jean Fuddy, was born on 17 Nov 1949 and married Robert William Bunch (1953-2006) on Christmas Day of 1980 in San Jose.

    371 posted on 12/28/2013 8:26:21 PM PST by Brown Deer (Pray for 0bama. Psalm 109:8)

    To: Brown Deer

    But how could any kind of a dna be traced back to a fellow named Punch?
    That long ago? What evidence is there that the Bunch you have is in any way related to Ralph Bunche for example?

    The names aren’t even the same for goodness sake.

    Wait a cotton picken minute...DID YOU SAY FUDDY?

    Better get in touch with LDS. They might want to add Fuddy to the Obama family tree.

    372 posted on Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:32:09 PM by Fred Nerks

    To: Fred Nerks; butterdezillion; LucyT; GregNH

    They might want to add Fuddy to the Obama family tree.

    Well, well, well...

    Robert William Bunch who died 7 years ago at the young age of 52, was indeed a 5th cousin of Hussein!

    375 posted on Sunday, December 29, 2013 12:44:13 AM by Brown Deer (Pray for 0bama. Psalm 109:8)

    To: Fred Nerks

    But officially, what you are saying is that the Fuddy family is related through marriage to the POTUS?

    through his white grandmother, that died before he was elected. She was the first of many dead people to vote for 0bama.

    377 posted on Sunday, December 29, 2013 1:12:08 AM by Brown Deer (Pray for 0bama. Psalm 109:8)

    To: Brown Deer

    Ok, you’ve convinced me, the sister of Cynthia Mae Fuddy died in the same water as the ashes of Madelyn Dunham, to whom she was related by marriage, were scattered, by zero...

    there’s a certain symmetry to all that, isn’t there?

    381 posted on Sunday, December 29, 2013 4:58:16 AM by Fred Nerks

    To: WildHighlander57; Fred Nerks; 1_Rain_Drop; LucyT; butterdezillion; Fantasywriter

    Fuddy an Obama relative?

    Mamma mia! What fiction editor would believe this? But then again, truth is stranger than.

    This I am actually happy to hear as it lends credence to a story line I have long promoted: namely that Barack was brought to Hawaii and then Grandma et al* merely cooked him up one of those neighborhood office, "Home Birth" BC's for which Hawaii is notorious. That in turn buttresses the governor's report of the "handwritten BC," the existence of which he inadvertently reported some years ago in our soap opera.

    To refresh memories: an Hawaiian "Home Birth" BC was easily obtained from any neighborhood office. It required a couple of witnesses to attest that young Fong or whomever, was delivered at a home in the neighborhood. A form was filled in, and presto!, young Fong born 7 years ago in Manila, Mombasa, or Moorea, became an instant American citizen. It is why, as Sheriff Joe and the CCP found to their chagrin, that as a legal document, a Honolulu Dog License is a lot more reliable than a Honolulu Birth Certificate. (Perhaps if the Dunhams or Obamas had a dog, the CCP quest would have been easier?)

    *Obviously the question of the month: the "et al" included the late Cousin Fuddy?

    391 posted on Tuesday, December 31, 2013 9:17:06 AM by Kenny Bunk (OK, Obama be bad. Now where's OUR Program, Plan, and Leader?)

    To: Kenny Bunk

    I believe Granny Dunham tried that, but the HDOH Director in 1961 had a lot more integrity than the HI bureaucrats have now. Back then it was required to have a doctor sign an affidavit for reported home births. That’s probably why there were only a few in the CDC’s records for Hawaii. A mother and baby could go to a doctor at any time and the doctor could claim that the mother had given birth to the baby en route to the hospital and mother and baby had been examined by him. That would make it a “hospital birth”. I suspect, based on what Hawaiians have said, that there were plenty of doctors who were willing to say that a 2-month-old fresh off a boat was really a newborn.

    But Obama wouldn’t have any of his documentation problems today if that had happened with him, and I think the snag was that he was not even IN Hawaii in the first couple years of his life so there was no baby to present to a doctor. I believe the doctor’s affidavit was added in late 2006 to finally complete the requirements for his BC. The problem that posed, though, was that it had to be noted on any BC copy (abbreviated or standard) that the HDOH issued. Obama had hoped that the BC’s forged for his breached/sanitized passport file would suffice for the public but we didn’t buy it. That’s when the HDOH had to actively start fabricating records, starting with the 1960-64 birth index and eventually culminating with Fuddy’s fabricated long-form for Obama based on law enforcement’s request, and the switching out of at least 4 Aug 1961 BC#’s to obfuscate the numbering method.

    The alteration of the 1960-64 birth index may well have been the work of deputy director Fuddy, and the falsification and fabrication of actual vital records was at the command of then-director Fuddy. So she is intricately tied in with this big mess. The first HDOH person to be involved, though, IMHO, was Janice Okubo, and at some point she should consider being the first to whistle-blow in hopes that she can bargain herself out of a hemp party (the rope variety of party).

    396 posted on Tuesday, December 31, 2013 10:39:59 AM by butterdezillion (Free online faxing at Fax all your elected officials. Make DC listen.)
    B. Steadman

