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ITB - Press Agonizes over Culture of Christie’s Admin, Dismisses White House Culture

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  • ITB - Press Agonizes over Culture of Christie’s Admin, Dismisses White House Culture

    Press Agonizes over ‘Culture’ of Christie’s Admin After Dismissing ‘Culture’ of Obama’s White House


    Noah Rothman


    If you caught any news on Thursday, you might be aware that there is a scandal brewing in Trenton.

    The press is consumed with the question of just what New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie knew and when he knew it after it was revealed that his aides’ were indulging in schadenfreude over the problems the closure of two lanes of the George Washington Bridge in September, 2013 caused the Democratic mayor of Fort Lee. The governor came out forcefully and insisted that he was misled by his staff who had assured him that they did not engage in that type of vindictive behavior. But this explanation is not satisfactory for some politicians and pundits.

    Indeed, many in the political and pundit class are asking whether Christie may be culpable for these apparent abuses of power even if he never knew about them. How can they accomplish this feat of prosecution by proxy, you ask? By accusing the governor of presiding over and fostering the creation of a “culture” in which this level of pettiness was rewarded, some in the media have implied that the Christie is, in a tangential way, liable for any abuses of power under his watch.

    .................................................. ..........

    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman