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ITB - Beware The Ides Of March Mr. Obama -- My Very Own Point of View, ladysforest

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  • ITB - Beware The Ides Of March Mr. Obama -- My Very Own Point of View, ladysforest

    Beware The Ides Of March Mr. Obama

    My Very Own Point of View



    The “obama Fraud Case”, being doggedly pursued by lead investigator, Mike Zullo, is apparently gearing up for a UNIVERSE SHATTERING release of information in March of this year. Both Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio have already proclaimed the White House approved version of the obama long form birth certificate to be a complete and utter fraud.

    I believe that they mean the version we saw online is a fraudulent document, but they have NOT, to my knowledge, stated that the information contained on that “birth certificate” is proven – so, documented – to be fraudulent.

    But hey, obama has plausible denial working for him. He “ordered” it released, presumably over the phone. Some lackey in HI made the copy. Some attorneys flew to HI and collected it. Some media chick looked at it and declared it real. And some White House lackey uploaded a scanned copy to the internet. obama never touched it.

    So, here is the latest breathless update from Carl Gallops at Freedom Friday, courtesy of Birther Report. I have provided a full transcript below the video. Let me know what you think of this.
    “Want to do this, I want to give you a quick Mike Zullo update. As you know, I speak with Mike Zullo, the lead investigator, of the Sheriff Joe Arpaio “Obama Fraud Case”, I speak with him almost every day, as a matter of fact today I have not spoken with him at all, so that’s why I say almost. But yesterday I was on the phone with him for an hour, and the day before that I was on the phone with him, etc. So almost every day. Uh, Mike Zullo wants me to tell you, and I’m I’m, I’m at liberty to say this, that uh, the case is very intense right now. He is still traveling a lot. This thing broke wide open some months back, you remember the birth certificate issue has been settled. It is a one hundred percent fraudulent forgery fabrication. They’ve got all the documented evidence to prove it. There’s nothing to stand in the way of that. That’s going to come out and that’s a huge deal. It’s a huge deal to me.

    But, it’s nothing, nothing, compared to what Zullo and Arpaio now have in documented form. Let me put it like this, Zullo’s words were, “What we now have is universe shattering”. Yeah, now no one has described Benghazi as universe shattering, as horrible as Benghazi is, as horrible as the IRS scandal, and the NSA spying, and on and on. This – I know what they have – and it is universe shattering. I mean, even if American media decides they’re gonna ignore it the world media will not. This, when they bring this forward, it will go around the world.

    I do believe, I do believe, they’re planning on releasing this information in March folks. And I’m sure you’ll hear most of the first release of it right here on Freedom Friday and on PP Simmons. And, of course in major media all over the world, but, I’m telling you, ah, you need to stay tuned to this. “
    B. Steadman

  • #2

    When I look at the tremendous amount of work that went into “creating” a past and covering up a past for Barry it is mind boggling. I mean to go so far as to doctor film at the library of Congress….We have witness accounts of Barry telling them he is going to be President, Race Bannon, the Ayers household mailman, and Tom Fife. We have Andy Basiago, Bernard Mendez, and Laura Eisenhower also being “told” back in the early eighties that Barry would be President. The power and money it took to get him into the White House is simply huge. It would not surprise me if Zullo has the paper trail to all this and more.

    CPAC is in DC in March….In memory of?….

    gregnh said this on January 20, 2014 at 1:02 pm
    B. Steadman

