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ITB - The Mysterious Whereabouts of U.S. Congessman, Steve Stockman

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  • ITB - The Mysterious Whereabouts of U.S. Congessman, Steve Stockman

    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Steve Stockman Mystery Deepens', which was started 1/25/2014 by 'deport'

    The thread references a 1/24/2014 article in The Daily Beast written by Ben Jacobs -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    Excerpt from the original article:

    On Friday, a spokesman for Speaker John Boehner told The Daily Beast that even Boehner hasn't heard from Texas Rep. Steve Stockman.

    Not even John Boehner has any idea where Steve Stockman is.

    Steve Stockman, the Texas congressman and candidate for U.S. Senate against incumbent Sen. John Cornyn, has seemingly disappeared in recent weeks. He has not shown up on Capitol Hill for votes, and save for one appearance at a Tea Party event in North Dallas and a trip to Egypt, has made no public appearances.

    On Friday, The Daily Beast asked Michael Steel, a Boehner spokesman, whether his boss had received any communication from Stockman about his whereabouts and if he had any idea when or if the Texas congressman might return to Washington for votes. Steel tersely replied "No."
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    The Mysterious Whereabouts of a U.S. Congressman

    Shoebat Foundation



    According to the Daily News Egypt, Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX), who sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, was part of a Congressional delegation that visited with General Abdel Fatah al-Sisi in Egypt recently. The trip – along with Stockman’s whereabouts – have been somewhat shrouded in mystery because Stockman is a strong underdog in his bid for the U.S. Senate against incumbent John Cornyn. The publication identified the delegation to Egypt as being led by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA).

    However, according to Breitbart, Stockman is breaking his silence, saying he is in London and referencing a trip to meet with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, but making no reference to a trip to Egypt:

    Missing Texas Congressman Steve Stockman told an associate he was headed to Russia to meet with Vladimir Putin, according to an electronic communication reviewed by Breitbart News, and now says he is in London.

    The new information offers tantalizing clues both to Stockman’s whereabouts and purpose as speculation continues to build about his unusual absence in the weeks since launching a quixotic primary challenge to Senator John Cornyn.

    Stockman broke his silence on the matter in a text message sent to Breitbart News at 3:26am central time.

    A bit later, Breitbart’s Brandon Darby and Jonathan Strong refer to the aforementioned article:

    Daily News Egypt reported Jan. 20 that Stockman was part of group of five lawmakers who traveled to Egypt as part of a congressional delegation led by Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of California. Inquiries to members of the delegation and the House Foreign Affairs Committee have not been returned.

    According to the article published by Egypt Daily News, the delegation to Egypt included Stockman along with Reps. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), Paul Cook (R-CA), and Loretta Sanchez (D-CA).

    This, of course, is backed up by a photo which shows the Congressmen in Egypt:

    Perhaps one of the most shocking claims about the meeting involves Sanchez, a Democrat, who told Youm7 in Egypt that CNN, known as a pro-Muslim Brotherhood organization in Egypt, does not represent the American people.


    View the complete article, including photos, at:
    B. Steadman

