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ITB - Matt Drudge Issues Warning: “Have an Exit Plan…” -- Free Republic Thread

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  • ITB - Matt Drudge Issues Warning: “Have an Exit Plan…” -- Free Republic Thread

    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Matt Drudge Issues Warning: “Have an Exit Plan…” which was started 1/28/2014 by '2ndDivisionVet'

    The thread references a 1/27/2014 post on Gateway Pundit written by Jim Hoft -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    Excerpt from the post:

    Advice or a Warning? You be the judge–

    American media mogul and creator and editor of the Drudge Report, Matt Drudge issued a dire warning this weekend.

    The influential conservative warned his Twitter followers “Have an exit plan…”

    Drudge has access to confidential information from numerous sources inside media and politics.

    STHF Plan reported, via Free Republic:

    His web site may consist of just a single page, but Matt Drudge is arguably the most influential media personality in the world. Garnering nearly one billion readers monthly, the Drudge Report is able to literally shift public sentiment, making it an essential read for D.C. insiders, Wall Street professionals, and anyone who wants to stay on top of the latest global issues.

    If Matt Drudge headlines a story its viral spread to millions of readers in near real-time is guaranteed.

    With his established connections to critical spheres of influence that include everything from politics and government to finance and entertainment, when Drudge speaks, people listen.

    Over the weekend, as noted by Steve Quayle and Susan Duclos, the self made media behemoth took to his Twitter account with a simple warning consisting of just four words Have an Exit Plan…

    Excerpts from comments in the thread:

    To: A CA Guy

    He may not be able to state what he knows.

    In this manner he has said what folks who expect this sort of thing need to know.

    I now it’s vague. It almost has to be if it’s serious.

    10 posted on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 2:37:44 AM by DoughtyOne (Obama, the Islamic answer to how the U. S. would be ruled by an Islamic Cleric.)

    To: 2ndDivisionVet

    Underneath all the distracting political noise of the imaginary Republican versus Democrats contest is the harsh reality that the United States is deep in debt with its credit rating subject to change as the debt problem worsens.

    The political reaction to this situation is seen in the deals between Obama and Boehner at the beginning of last year and the deal of Murray and Ryan at end of this year.

    The band aids they apply involve tax increases and spending cuts simultaneously. Murray-Ryan created new taxes and cut the extended unemployment benefits and military pensions.

    The real State of the Union is buried underneath all this political hype (Obama’s class warfare talk and the GOP’s anti-Obamacare crusade).

    I expect the trend to get worse with new bipartisan deals that will find new ways to tax us maybe even our savings and investments along with welfare cuts and military cuts like Army divisions, Air Force air groups and Navy carriers.

    The Left and the Right, Progressives and Patriots will be up in arms. I’m not sure if I see violence, I certainly don’t want it, but realistically it may be a possibility.

    The piper has to be paid and its probable these band aid Uniparty deals coming our way will fail to do that......

    38 posted on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 4:18:40 AM by Nextrush (AFFORDABLE CARE ACT=HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY BAILOUT ACT)

    To: Berlin_Freeper

    It’s time to ARREST the Soros/Obama lackeys, and then impeach the ones who need to be impeached. The arrest needs to come first. Holder needs to be arrested.

    This is the perfect time for NewsCorp to unleash all the dogs they’ve been keeping hidden since they were first threatened by Soros, because then when Holder issues indictments it can be used in the treason trial against Holder.

    I’m dead serious. It is time for a serious Constitutional move. I’m hoping and praying that is at least part of what Steve Stockman is working on. Arrests of everybody involved in the myriad “scandals” (crimes) of this regime. Not the least of which is the arming and pimping of the Muslim Brotherhood Islamists to oust secularist, moderate Muslims all over the world. Egypt knows, and I hope and pray that Egypt’s current leadership is allying itself with Stockman and others to get rid of the man whose communist-Islamist alliance is trying to destroy Egypt’s security and prosperity.

    87 posted on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 11:24:33 AM by butterdezillion (Free online faxing at Fax all your elected officials. Make DC listen.)

    To: Berlin_Freeper

    I know Rush refers to tonite as “The State of the Coup”, but I have enough faith in the ordinary American people to withstand any attempt at an actual Marxist coup by The Kenyan and his lackeys.

    103 posted on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:27:53 PM by Churchillspirit (9/11/2001 and 9/11/2012: NEVER FORGET.)

    To: Thane_Banquo

    Discussing how we’re prepping for the criminal element that will only grow during this disaster of an economy is apparently verboten.

    None of us want to face any of it; but with ‘knockout games’ and race-baiters pushing lies, I’m a bit more concerned than I used to be, fer sure.

    107 posted on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 10:25:49 PM by F15Eagle (1Jn4:15;5:4-5,11-13;Mt27:50-54;Mk15:33-34;Jn3:17-18,6:69,11:25,14:6,20:31;Ro10:8-11;1Tm2:5-6;Ti3:4-7)
    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-29-2014, 04:32 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Exit ??? To where ?

