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ITB - Fraud is the new 'funny'?: Obama Team Jokes About Latest Birther Claims

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  • ITB - Fraud is the new 'funny'?: Obama Team Jokes About Latest Birther Claims

    Obama team jokes about latest ‘birther’ claims by USA Today Feed on Mar. 01, 2012, under USA Today News

    Tucson Citizen


    "The issue of President Obama’s birth certificate won’t go away, so Obama’s re-election team decided to have a little fun with it.

    As an Arizona sheriff held a news conference claiming evidence that the birth certificate released in April is a fake, Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt tweeted out what he called a “live feed” of the presentation — which turned out to be a clip of the theme song from the old science fiction series The X Files.

    LaBolt also told Twitter followers “birth certificate available here” — and linked to an ad for an Obama coffee mug with the birth certificate emblazoned it.

    The birth certificate shows that Obama was born Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii.

    Joe Arpaio, the sheriff of Maricopa County in Arizona, said Thursday: “Based on all of the evidence presented and investigated, I cannot in good faith report to you that these documents are authentic … My investigators believe that the long-form birth certificate was manufactured electronically and that it did not originate in paper format as claimed by the White House.”

    The Associated Press notes that Arpaio is a controversial public official:

    America’s self-proclaimed toughest sheriff finds himself entangled these days in his own thorny legal troubles: a federal grand jury probe over alleged abuse of power, Justice Department accusations of racial profiling and revelations that his department didn’t adequately investigate hundreds of Arizona sex-crime cases.

    Rather than seek cover, though, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is seeking to grab the spotlight in the same unorthodox fashion that has helped boost his career as a nationally known lawman.

    Arpaio scheduled a news conference Thursday to unveil preliminary results of an investigation, conducted by members of his volunteer cold-case posse, into the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate, a controversy that has been widely debunked but which remains alive in the eyes of some conservatives. Last year, Donald Trump most prominently revived the issue while entertaining a possible bid for the presidency.

    LaBolt also made a political tweet on Arpaio’s claims, referecing Republican opponent Mitt Romney:

    Still want it? Romney has called Arpaio for his endorsement, his aides called “weekly” and Arpaio was his honorary Chair in 08.

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    B. Steadman