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ITB - Rand Paul Warns “GOP Will NEVER Win White House Again Unless…”

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  • ITB - Rand Paul Warns “GOP Will NEVER Win White House Again Unless…”

    Rand Paul Warns “GOP Will NEVER Win White House Again Unless…”

    The Ulsterman Report


    While there is certainly some intended self promotion at play here, the Kentucky Senator’s message is absolutely on point, and well worth the read.

    (via Washington Examiner)

    Rand Paul: GOP ‘will not win again in my lifetime’ the presidency, absent change

    Sen. Rand Paul from Kentucky warned his fellow Republican politicos that without change, the GOP would fail miserably in the upcoming White House contest — and that goes for the next few decades.
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    “I think Republicans will not win again in my lifetime for the presidency unless they become a new GOP, a new Republican Party,” he said, during an interview with Glenn Beck on TheBlaze that aired on Thursday, Politico reported. “And it has to be a transformation, not a little tweaking at the edges.”

    In fact, the GOP needs a complete overhaul that includes a “better message” that resonates with a wide population, “in a way they can understand it,” he said, on the show. One example: Rather than talking taxes, talk civil liberties, he suggested.

    “Republicans haven’t gone to African-Americans or to Hispanics and said, ‘You know what? The war on drugs, Big Government, has had a racial outcome. It’s disproportionately affected the poor and the black and the brown,’” he said, on TheBlaze.

    Mr. Paul, long-rumored to make a run for the 2016 White House, said he’s not yet decided — but that nobody from his party would hold the nation’s highest seat without radical change.

    There is a struggle going on within the Republican Party,” he said, Politico reported. “It’s not new and I’m not ashamed of it. I’m proud of the fact that there is a struggle. And I will struggle to make the Republican Party a different party, a bigger party, a more diverse party and a party that can win national elections again.” LINK

    Senator Paul is 100% correct regarding the Republican messaging problem. For too long the GOP has been the party to telling people what they should NOT do, instead of being the party telling people of what they CAN do. The message of freedom and personal liberty remains incredibly powerful. It is the message Ronald Reagan was so adept at communicating in such a way, he won historical landslides throughout the 1980′s.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman