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ITB - Subpar: Anti-Obama Street Art Covers Santa Monica

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  • ITB - Subpar: Anti-Obama Street Art Covers Santa Monica

    Subpar: Anti-Obama Street Art Covers Santa Monica

    The Washington Free Beacon

    Elizabeth Harrington


    An unknown artist is covering the streets of Santa Monica, Calif., with posters declaring President Obama to be “subpar.”

    The artwork, which features images of Obama golfing with the message, can be found on trashcans, in Porta-potties, and on street benches, according to a taco blog in Los Angeles.

    The appearance of the posters coincided with the PGA Tour, which was played at the Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palisades, just outside of Santa Monica, over the weekend.

    Obama himself spent President’s Day weekend on a three-day golf vacation in California. He attended two events focused on the drought before golfing at luxurious courses in Palm Springs.

    “Vacationing with DVDs of his favorite television shows and multiple golf outings with his buddies, the duffer in chief played at two of the most exclusive courses in the Palm Springs area,” according to Time.

    The president has played more than 150 rounds of golf since taking office.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    THE ARTIST IS NOT ACCURATE in his evaluation of obummer .
    His subject is actually SUB - HUMAN .

