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ITB - British Intelligence Advisor; Obama Born In Kenya In 1960; CIA DNA Test

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  • ITB - British Intelligence Advisor; Obama Born In Kenya In 1960; CIA DNA Test

    Bombshell: British Intelligence Advisor; Obama Born In Kenya In 1960; CIA DNA Test

    Birther Report



    Bombshell: British Intelligence Advisor Barrister Michael Shrimpton; Obama Born In Kenya In 1960; CIA DNA Test

    Shrimpton reported Obama's purported mom was not pregnant in 1961 and that Obama was born in Kenya in 1960. He said Kenya was under British intelligence files and that Obama's father ran guns for the Mau Mau. He then dropped a bombshell claiming the CIA did covert DNA testing on Obama at a fundraising dinner and the test came back with no match to the claimed grandparents. Shrimpton said Rudy Giuliani's people knew and sat on the intelligence and further stated he spoke with Hillary Clinton's people and that they were quite interested.

    ( Video via Gaia Militia. Hat tip Guest. )

    FULL VIDEO ...:
    ( Video via Gaia Militia. Hat tip Six Gun West. )

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Barrister Michael Shrimpton contacted Attorney Taitz in 2013, however never provided any proof of his statements

    Orly Taitz, Esq.


    Press release

    British Attorney Michael Shrimpton contacted Attorney Orly Taitz a year ago, on February 7, 2013. He claimed that there was a DNA test proving Obama was not connected to Dunhams, his maternal grandparents. When Taitz requested some proof, Shrimpton provided absolutely nothing. Further, Shrimpton was trying to get money from Taitz to bribe officials in Kenya. If he has a DNA test, why does he need to bribe officials in Kenya? Without any proof of his statements Shrimpton might be either an opportunist seeking money or working for a joined CIA-MI6 operation to try to discredit Taitz and others by bringing forward hoaxes. Shrimpton needs to provide some evidence in order to be believed. However, even without Shrimpton we have ample evidence showing Obama using a stolen SSN and bogus IDs. All we need is one honest judge to act upon this evidence. Taitz is hopeful that one of the courts presiding over one of her cases will be an honest court.


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Official: Wikipedia Scrubs Michael Shrimpton Profile; Kenyan Obama Caught On Tape

      Birther Report



      Boom: Wikipedia Scrubs Michael Shrimpton Profile; Kenyan Obama Caught On Tape

      Citizen Wells reports: Barrister Michael Shrimpton Obama born in Mombasa Kenya in 1960, CIA DNA testing confirms Obama Dunham grandparents not linked, Wikipedia scrubs Shrimpton profile, British intelligence files

      Barrister Michael Shrimpton Obama born in Mombasa Kenya in 1960, CIA DNA testing confirms Obama Dunham grandparents not linked, Wikipedia scrubs Shrimpton profile, British intelligence files

      “Why has Obama, since taking the White House, used Justice Department Attorneys, at taxpayer expense, to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells

      “Moore said he’s seen no convincing evidence that Obama is a “natural born citizen” and a lot of evidence that suggests he is not.”…Judge Roy Moore interview by WND

      Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”…George Orwell, “1984″

      I had to treat this story with skepticism.

      Barrister Michael Shrimpton is real.

      Are his claims?

      His profile was scrubbed on Wikipedia. [...] Continued @ Citizen Wells.

      Shrimpton's bio via Veterans Today: Michael Shrimpton is a barrister, called to the Bar in London 1983 and is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism. He has wide ranging connections both in Western Intelligence agencies and amongst ex-Soviet Bloc agencies. Michael has earned respect in the intelligence community for his analysis of previously unacknowledged post WWII covert operations against the West by organisations based in Washington, Munich, Paris and Brussels and which are continuing in post 9-11.

      He is Adjunct Professor of intelligence Studies, Department of National Security, Intelligence and Space Studies, American Military University, teaching intelligence subjects at Masters Degree level to inter alia serving intelligence officers. He has represented US and Israeli intelligence officers in law and has briefed staffers on the Senate select Committee on Intelligence and the Joint Congressional inquiry into 9-11, also addressing panels on terrorism in Washington DC and Los Angeles.

      His active assistance to Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies in the Global War on Terror has produced some notable success including the exposure of the Abu Graib “hood” photograph as a fake. His work in strategic intelligence takes him on regular trips to the Pentagon and he also met with senior advisors to the President of the Russian Federation in Moscow in November 2005. He participated in the Global Strategic Review conference in Geneva in 2005 and is a regular contributor at conferences such as Intelcon and the Intelligence Summit Washington DC February 2006.

      More commentary from Shrimpton saying Obama was caught on tape admitting he was born in Kenya:

      View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Gallups: If British Intel Advisor Correct Obama Needs To Be Immediately Deposed

        Birther Report



        Carl Gallups says if British intelligence advisor Michael Shrimpton's claims that Obama was born in Kenya are true; it means Obama is an illegal foreigner that lied his way into the White House on purpose, spent years hindering legitimate investigations into his background, and he should be immediately deposed.

        VIDEO ...:
        ( Video via Carl Gallups / PPSimmons @ YouTube. )

        View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Bombshell: British Intelligence Advisor; Obama Born In Kenya In 1960; CIA DNA Test', which was started 2/26/2014 by 'Seizethecarp'

          The thread references a 2/26/2014 post on Birther Report concerning information provided by British Intelligence Advisor, Barrister Michael Shrimpton -

          View the complete Free Republic thread at:

          Shrimpton reported Obama's purported mom was not pregnant in 1961 and that Obama was born in Kenya in 1960. He said Kenya was under British intelligence files and that Obama's father ran guns for the Mau Mau. He then dropped a bombshell claiming the CIA did covert DNA testing on Obama at a fundraising dinner and the test came back with no match to the claimed grandparents. Shrimpton said Rudy Giuliani's people knew and sat on the intelligence and further stated he spoke with Hillary Clinton's people and that they were quite interested.

          Excerpts from comments in the thread:

          To: Seizethecarp

          This video seems to be from Spring 2008 after Iowa and before the Edwards pulled out.

          Here is a 7-minute version of the video with more explosive claims including Barry having a hidden full-blooded sister whose father was also BHO Sr. Lots of UK-CIA-Kenyan intelligence awareness and access to birth records claimed.

          Here is a bio on Shrimpton:

          Michael Shrimpton is a barrister, called to the Bar in London 1983 and is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism. He has wide ranging connections both in Western Intelligence agencies and amongst ex-Soviet Bloc agencies. Michael has earned respect in the intelligence community for his analysis of previously unacknowledged post WWII covert operations against the West by organisations based in Washington, Munich, Paris and Brussels and which are continuing in post 9-11.

          He is Adjunct Professor of intelligence Studies, Department of National Security, Intelligence and Space Studies, American Military University, teaching intelligence subjects at Masters Degree level to inter alia serving intelligence officers. He has represented US and Israeli intelligence officers in law and has briefed staffers on the Senate select Committee on Intelligence and the Joint Congressional inquiry into 9-11, also addressing panels on terrorism in Washington DC and Los Angeles.

          His active assistance to Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies in the Global War on Terror has produced some notable success including the exposure of the Abu Graib “hood” photograph as a fake. His work in strategic intelligence takes him on regular trips to the Pentagon and he also met with senior advisors to the President of the Russian Federation in Moscow in November 2005. He participated in the Global Strategic Review conference in Geneva in 2005 and is a regular contributor at conferences such as Intelcon and the Intelligence Summit Washington DC February 2006.

          5 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 10:38:07 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

          To: goldi

          “How did the CIA get DNA from Obama’s grandparents?”

          While Shrimpton claims to have knowledge as to how the CIA obtained Barry’s DNA he appears to be speculating off the top of his head about which family members on the Dunham side failed to match Barry. Claimed half-Sister Maya or his grandfather’s brother would be possibilities.

          20 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 10:51:13 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

          To: GregNH; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; ...

          A lot will depend on the credibility of Shrimpton (if he can be found!) and whether or not he is just another on a long line of UK crackpots.

          I would love to know the event at which this was recorded and who was there!

          Shrimpton claims that all the campaigns in 2008 were wired in on this.

          BTW, Shrimpton also claims on the longer 7-minute video that Odinga was positioned to get access to Barry’s BC so that it could be destroyed.

          I strongly urge all to view the longer 7-minute video:

          31 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 10:58:49 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

          To: MMaschin

          “This video appears to be from the 2008/2009 timeframe, Obama’s “grandmother” may have still been alive.”

          In context this video is from 2008 before Edwards or Hillary dropped out of the race but after Barry was making a big splash, so, yes, Barry grandmother would still have been alive.

          Shrimpton’s entire context of his comments is that Barry is about to drop out of the race for the nomination so this was definitely pre-convention 2008 and IMO pre-Edwards dropping out.

          41 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:04:42 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

          To: Leaning Right

          “But here’s what I can’t figure out. If Hillary had evidence of this in 2008, why didn’t she let it leak? The woman is power-hungry, and ruthless. I can’t imagine she’d just sit on it.”

          The blacks would have stayed home (after the riots) and the GOP would have won. The Dems cannot win a national election without 90%+ black voters participating in the big cities.

          Once blacks embraced Barry as their own “authentic” black candidate subsequent to playing the race-card on Bill and Hillary in SC, there was no going back for the Dems.

          The GOP had their own eligibility problems with McCain!!!

          43 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:08:24 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

          To: LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

          One hint as to where Shrimpton was and who he was addressing was his reference to a medical doctor in the audience named “Owen Lister.”

          I searched the name and found a pretty disgusting news account from 2005 (three years before this video) regarding this retired Tory MD (going senile?), which hints that Shrimpton might have been at a Tory event.

          “Tory deputy mayor: Best thing for disabled children is the guillotine”

          A Tory deputy mayor has sparked outrage by calling for disabled kids to be guillotined to avoid wasting cash on their care.

          Retired GP Owen Lister made his sick suggestion to fellow councillors as they discussed sending the youngsters to a £3,000-a-week care home.

          Mr Lister, 79, told them: “I would guillotine them.”

          He has now quit as deputy mayor but yesterday stood by his outburst.

          He said: “I indicated at that point that perhaps the guillotine might be better. These are children you can’t educate.

          “It’s merely a matter of caring for them until they die. The only difference between a terminally ill patient and a severely handicapped child is time.”

          54 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:17:55 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

          To: Seizethecarp

          What about Stanley’s friend in Seattle who they claim saw Stanley with a newborn whose diapers she barely knew how to change? Stanley was enrolling in the University of Washington. I thought this was summer of 1961.

          65 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:38:34 AM by Aria ( 2008 & 2012 weren't elections - they were coup d'etats.)
          - (color emphasis added)

          To: LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

          I’m starting to listen to the 1 hr 33 min long version of this video compilation for more hints on when it was done and who was there who would have known about these claims.

          There are at least two separate events cobbled together to make the 7 minute version.

          At the very beginning of the long video Shrimpton says that Medvedev is “about to win” election, which occurred on March 2, 2008, so this portion of the video would have been late February 2008.

          “The 2008 presidential election, held on 2 March 2008, was won by Medvedev with 70.28% of the popular vote, and he was inaugurated on 7 May 2008.”

          Shrimpton also jokes that “we’ve had excellent snow this winter” frustrating global warmists and indicating that enough of the winter had passed to make this judgment, as would be true in late February 2008.

          73 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:52:50 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

          B. Steadman


          • #6

            To: Seizethecarp

            Shrimpton’s blog:

            76 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:57:04 AM by TexasVoter (No Constitution? No Union!)

            To: TexasVoter

            and email:

            77 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:59:18 AM by TexasVoter (No Constitution? No Union!)

            To: Seizethecarp; LucyT; maggief; WildHighlander57

            Single children often find their parents adopted them. Just saying. In that case 0 DNA would NOT match his grandparents only his mothers DNA

            Whose DNA would also not match her “parents”

            83 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 12:07:05 PM by hoosiermama (Obama: "Born in Kenya" Lying now or then or now)

            To: Aria; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; ...

            “What about Stanley’s friend in Seattle who they claim saw Stanley with a newborn whose diapers she barely knew how to change? Stanley was enrolling in the University of Washington. I thought this was summer of 1961.”

            What we have here are a long list of claims by Shrimpton. All, some, or none of them could be true. Evidence and witnesses must corroborate EACH claim.

            Shrimpton says it was confirmed that Stanley Ann was not pregnant in July 1961. Perhaps she gave birth to Barry in June? Shrimpton does not say how intelligence services confirmed that she was not pregnant specifically in the month of July 1961. Nor does he say how he assumes a birth date was pushed back to 1960 (no month given).

            88 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 12:12:34 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:
            - (color emphasis added)

            To: TexasVoter; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; ...

            Shrimpton’s blog:

            Thanks for the ping to Shrimpton’s blog.

            I am re-pinging as all hands will be needed to track down how credible Shrimpton is.

            91 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 12:18:07 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

            To: Seizethecarp

            Susan Blake.

            2500 miles from Honolulu, Susan Blake has to show Stanley Ann how to change ityy-bitty baby Barak’s diaper.

            The video used to be here:


            It is no more...

            93 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 12:20:59 PM by null and void (<--- unwilling cattle-car passenger on the bullet train to serfdom)
            - (color emphasis added)

            To: Seizethecarp

            More Shrimpton:


            Edward Heath a pedophile and murderer.

            95 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 12:24:03 PM by Arthur McGowan

            To: null and void

            Susan Blake changed itty-bitty baby Barry’s diaper because Stanley Ann can’t handle it...


            100 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 12:25:38 PM by null and void (<--- unwilling cattle-car passenger on the bullet train to serfdom)
            - (color emphasis added)

            To: rolling_stone

            Even if they had both of their DNA its of no consequence if SADO was adopted. It’s her DNA that’s important and that can be obtained thru his half sister

            143 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 1:26:31 PM by hoosiermama (Obama: "Born in Kenya" Lying now or then or now)

            To: stinkerpot65

            “Might be nothing to it, but you know Fox will never look into it.”

            I’m having a hard time figuring out what they would look into. The guy presents no evidence, names no witnesses, doesn’t even name the supposed sister. All he is giving us is a story that is completely unverifiable.

            156 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 2:34:20 PM by Boogieman

            To: null and void

            Susan Blake claims to be an eyewitness to Stanley Ann having a very newborn baby in August 1961.

            Shrimpton is making unsourced hearsay claims.

            Blake could be deposed and testify in federal court while Shrimpton could not.

            There are many contemporaneous 1961 documents and witnesses that support the SADO as mom narrative and ZERO non-hearsay documents and witnesses that refute the SADO narrative and non that affirmatively support an alternative narrative that I have seen to date.

            168 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 2:54:37 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:
            - (color emphasis added)

            To: Arthur McGowan

            Shrimpton says: “Edward Heath a pedophile and murderer.”

            This could support Shrimpton being either a truth-teller or a crackpot smear-spreader depending on when the facts are...

            The Obots will jump on the latter interpretation, no doubt. We must continue to vet Shrimpton as best we can.

            171 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 2:58:21 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:
            - (underline and color emphasis added)

            To: Brown Deer; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; ...

            “For several years now a shadowy coterie of FReepers styling themselves as “researchers” has gone onto nearly every FR eligibility thread to aggressively refute all evidence that Stanley Ann Dunham was Barack Obama’s mother.”


            Thanks for posting my comment which remains unrefuted by Shrimpton and also for posting the link to the Mal-Val thread!

            And these “researchers” that I referred to are, of course, covert supporters of the Mal-Val narrative that Malcolm X if Barry’s dad and a Lebanese actress is Barry’s mom.

            The “researchers” have yet to present any evidence the SADO is NOT Barry’s mom or any evidence to support an alternative mom.

            Note that Shrimpton has only made unsourced hearsay claims that Barry has a different mom, but his newly revealed narrative still has BHO Sr. as Barry’s dad. So still no evidence, documents or witnesses to refute SADO as the mom or to substitute an identified alternative mom either in Kenya or anywhere else!

            174 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 3:05:58 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

            To: 353FMG

            “IF all this has a thread of truth to it, GWB and Cheney must have known all the gory details.”

            IIRC, in this same timeframe of February 2008, the NY Times launched a huge assault on McCain’s eligibility driving the Senate to conspire to give cover to McCain’s controversial neligibility.

            The entire political class thought that Hillary was going to run away with the nomination and by the time Barry’s trap was sprung on Super Tuesday in March just days after this video, the blacks had embraced Barry. The Blacks would have turned out in droves AGAINST the GOP if Bush tried to derail Barry’ nomination with ineligibility claims that had never been litigated up to SCOTUS. It would have been a much worse mess than Bush v. Gore!

            At a minimum Corsi found a SECRET document in the Kenyan archives showing that the birth files at the Mombasa hospital were missing for the period of Barry’s claimed birth. Corsi’s document said that the search was undertaken by Kenyan officials at the request of Bush’s Kenyan ambassador, so perhaps, at least, Bush was trying to find documentary support for rumors or that would stand up in federal court.

            Meanwhile Barry’s campaign doubled down and declared him to be a UK Kenyan subject at birth and appear to have faked the short-form, which they never allowed to be subjected to discovery in court.

            201 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 3:50:02 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

            To: Flotsam_Jetsome

            I refuse to entertain any conspiracy theory about Obama’s parentage that is inconsistent with him being a direct descendant of Stanley Armour Dunham. Obama looks exactly like his maternal grandfather.

            250 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 5:49:53 PM by AuH2ORepublican (If a politician won't protect innocent babies, what makes you think that he'll defend your rights?)

            B. Steadman


            • #7

              To: Flotsam_Jetsome

              “It’s been pointed put many times that he doesn’t look like the Kenyan, and now we’re to believe that he’s of the Kenyan, but not a Dunham?”

              First, “looks like” is not too useful forensically, especially with mixed race children who display a wide variety of traits. It is in the eye of the beholder.

              To my eye, Barry’s purported half-brother David looks so much like Barry that a very loud FReeper “researcher” has been claiming for years that Baby David’s picture IS a picture of Barry (with no credible support or plausible narrative). Half-brother Mark has a general resemblance and half-brother George has a good resemblance.

              The INS FOIA docs contemporaneously accuse BHO Sr. of impregnating Stanley Ann by name so if that part of the Shrimpton narrative excluding SADO as Barry’s mom is correct, then it might be necessary to prove that the INS FOIA docs were forged. Or SADO was impregnated and miscarried of had a different baby or some other wild scenario.

              Zullo DID say that his revelations would be “Universe Shattering”.

              251 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 5:52:04 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

              To: Red Steel

              “Wiki scrubbed his webpage.”

              I saw that, but doesn’t it say that this was a personal page and that only the person could edit or presumably remove it? Is scrubbing a Wiki page something only done by Wiki editors or could Shrimpton scrubbed his own page? Another thing to check out...

              256 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 6:03:14 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

              To: Seizethecarp

              More of Michael Shrimpton here. Pretty much spilling the beans on the Intel Services and much of the government.

              “Michael Shrimpton - Obama born in Mombasa Kenya - British Intelligence have recorded phone call”


              262 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 6:18:40 PM by Red Steel


              To: little jeremiah

              Michael Shrimpton bio from 2010 Wayback capture.

              And bio from 2012 Wayback capture.

              273 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 6:53:12 PM by Red Steel

              To: Red Steel

              “Michael Shrimpton - Obama born in Mombasa Kenya - British Intelligence have recorded phone call”


              Thanks, Red Steel! Another item for the research list.

              288 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 7:51:24 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

              To: Red Steel; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; ...

              Ping to excellent (I consider it must read) Wiki biographical find by Red Steel taken from the "Wayback Machine" for 2010 and 20121 for Michael Shrimpton showing that he appears to be "the real deal."

              Shrimpton does not at all appear to be a crackpot but actually an internationally recognized intelligence expert.

              He may have been "shut down" for going rogue.

              The bio says that he was an expert on operations against the US, UK and Berlin that are still going on that started in WWII implying Soviet operations continued by Russian sleeper agents, maybe?

              The bio says he was even flown on and off of the USS Enterprise as part of a distinguished visitor program.

              Bio says Shrimpton is an adjunct professor of intelligence studies at the online American Military University:


              "The strength of our University is reflected in both the caliber of our respected faculty and in the noteworthy accomplishments of our talented students and graduates. The faculty at APUS is diverse, experienced, and dedicated. With a 100% online curriculum, we are able to attract scholars and practitioners from around the world. •500+ faculty members with doctoral degrees from leading universities •Many are widely recognized for research and contributions in their respective fields ◦Dr. Alan Hale (co-discoverer of the Hale-Bopp Comet) ◦Five former astronauts ◦Many senior leaders at Fortune® 500 companies ◦Many senior government agency officials and officers"

              303 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 8:32:03 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

              To: hoosiermama

              “Hillary was supported by Phillip Berg. He did file suit The first to do so IIRC”

              This might have been an attempt by Hillary to get to courts to intervene, but the seemingly faked short-form cut off Berg by appearing to put the HI full faith and credit behind Barry’s HI birth claim and the MSM refused to investigate the meaning of NBC or demand discovery of the long form at the time.

              338 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 9:33:15 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

              To: Seizethecarp; Red Steel; WildHighlander57

              Is Berg one of the cases brought before the SCOTUS. Remember dad saying that the first two were in effect tabled not dismissed. They were waiting for the right case iow

              There has NOT been much discussion even by Gallups of the recorded telephone conversations where 0 admits he was born in Mombasa

              That would be undisputable evidence I would think if in fact it did come from British intelligence surveillance

              It certainly would explain Zullo earth shattering news and why this video is being released now

              341 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 9:43:21 PM by hoosiermama (Obama: "Born in Kenya" Lying now or then or now)

              B. Steadman


              • #8
                THE VIDEOS have been scrubbed or deleted ~ no doubt by hackers of obummer ' s gang .


                • #9
                  British Intelligence: Obama born in Kenya; CIA’s DNA test shows Dunhams not his grandparents

                  Fellowship of the Minds

                  Dr. Eowyn


                  Michael Shrimpton is a British barrister (attorney), an adviser to British intelligence, and a serious person.

                  He also is a contributing columnist for the blog, Veterans Today. This is his biographical sketch on Veterans Today:

                  Michael Shrimpton

                  Shrimpton has his own blog, The Shrimpton Report. His email address is And Wikipedia used to have an entry on him (, but if you go to that URL, you’ll get the messsage: “This page has been deleted”.

                  After you’ve read this post, you’ll know why Wikipedia scrubbed its page on Michael Shrimpton.

                  Shrimpton was a speaker at a forum, date unknown, but probably sometime in 2008 (more on this later). Beginning at the 1:42 mark of the video below, Shrimpton dropped a bombshell about Obama.

                  Shrimpton made the following startling claims:
                  1. Although Barack Hussein Obama (BHO) is said to have been born on August 4, 1961, he actually was born in 1960.
                  2. Obama’s alleged mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was not pregnant in July 1961.
                  3. Although BHO is said to have been born in Honolulu, Hawaii, he actually was born in Mombasa, Kenya, which was then British territory, which means British intelligence has his records.
                  4. The C.I.A. surreptiously took a DNA sample of Obama at a fundraising dinner and ran a test, but could not match Obama’s DNA with his [maternal] grandparents, the Dunhams.
                  5. Former New York governor and GOP presidential aspirant Rudy Giuliani told Shrimpton at a recent lunch that he (Giuliani) knows all about this. Giuliani had hoped he would be the GOP presidential candidate and he’d then use the information against the Democrats.
                  6. The Clintons (Bill and Hillary) also know about this.

                  For the rest of the 1½ hour video, Shrimpton talked about British politics and the European Union. However, at the 1:09:30 mark, a man in the audience asked Shrimpton a question about Obama and Kenya. In his response, beginning at about the 1:11:55 mark, Shrimpton alluded to the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign as if it was ongoing as he spoke, which suggests that the forum took place in 2008. Shrimpton also made these additional claims:
                  1. He believes, given the above British intelligence on the year (1960, not 1961) and place (Kenya, not USA) of Obama’s birth, Obama would “soon be pressured into withdrawing” from the presidential race. With the benefit of hindsight, we of course know that didn’t happen.
                  2. Senator John Edwards also knows because Shrimpton had briefed him.
                  3. Former CIA director (under Bill Clinton) also knows. Shrimpton does not name him. Clinton had 3 successive CIA directors: James Woolsey, John Deutsch, and George Tenet.
                  4. The Kenyan government, of course, knows.
                  5. The UK newspaper Daily Telegraph also knows.
                  6. The Honolulu press is aware that Obama’s birth records in Honolulu’s Queens Medical Center are fake. The Honolulu Advertiser knows this.
                  7. Sen. John McCain knows.
                  8. British Intelligence knows because MI5 got the Nairobi Special Intelligence files when Kenya became independent.
                  9. Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations from 1997 to 2006, also knows.
                  10. Shrimpton also said something very strange — that Obama’s half-sister is actually his full sister, and that the sister is “missing.” (The only “half sister” of Obama about whom we are told is Maya Soetoro-Ng, the daughter of Stanley Ann Dunham and her Indonesian husband, Lolo Soetoro.)


                  View the complete post at:

                  B. Steadman


                  • #10

                    To: PA Engineer; Kenny Bunk; null and void; LucyT


                    He discusses both British and American have the telephone conversation where 0 admits to being born in Kenya beginning at about 5:50 or so

                    His comments about the 1,000 murder and O in Kenya correspond with what the missionary freeper said about those who knew were afraid for their lives when she pm me the link to people being burned alive in their church

                    358 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 10:36:18 PM by hoosiermama (Obama: "Born in Kenya" Lying now or then or now)

                    To: All; null and void; LucyT; Nachum

                    Ok ALL you Paul Revere s out there. Get the message out. Use the link
                    Above and let them know we’re expecting to see them reporting

                    Include MS resume if you have a link to give it credibility.
                    But send send send. That’s the best way it doesn’t get lost again !

                    Send to email lists to media to past lawyers involved in the chase

                    Send it to authors newspapers cable and TV personalities
                    Send it to legislatures Tea parties. Anyone who might listen
                    It’s not supposition it’s not hypothetical. It’s a qualified individual spilling the beans on our government and politicians

                    366 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:00:35 PM by hoosiermama (Obama: "Born in Kenya" Lying now or then or now)

                    To: hoosiermama; PA Engineer; null and void; LucyT

                    A His comments about the 1,000 murder and O in Kenya correspond with what the missionary freeper said about those who knew were afraid for their lives when she pm me the link to people being burned alive in their church

                    Spent years (2006-2008, and since) trying to get the story of Obama (and The Dick Morris) in Kenya story to talk radio (where I actually worked!)n and to McCain and Romney Campaign people ...... w/o success except for a brief flurry on G. Gordon Liddy.

                    Obama was funded by the Clinton Foundation on a pass-through by Soros. He raised over $1 million for Raila Odinga (reportedly his Luo cousin) and campaigned for him in Kenya. Platform: Breakaway Autonomous Muslim Provinces, Sharia Law, Expulsion of Christian missionaries, Expulsion of Christians from government, Confiscation of Christian-owned property in Muslim Provinces. Odinga an East-German trained terrorist who led his followers on a murderous rampage (some episodes actually filmed by BBC) after he lost the internationally monitored election, causing a famine in Kenya and bringing the country to the brink of civil war, in which over 250,000 were forced to flee their homes. Obama then campaigned relentlessly to have Odinga included in a power sharing arrangement and he was an honored guest at the first inauguration. BTW< with Odinga in power in Kenya, one may safely assume any documentary evidence of the Obama family history is apt to be (a) scarce and/or (b)forged.

                    As Junior Senator from Illinois at the time, Obama's participation in a foreign election was illegal.

                    B In re taped convo: The evidence is pretty clear. Thanks.

                    367 posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:03:45 PM by Kenny Bunk (Don't let the aftershave and embalming fluid fool you. Many RINOs are actually dead meat.)

                    To: LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

                    Gallups confirms that the 2008 Shrimpton claims on these tapes do NOT include Zullo’s “Universe Shattering” revelations.

                    Gallups said this on a video and there is an article up on BirtherReport:


                    Earlier on Wednesday, The Post & Email asked “Freedom Friday” host Carl Gallups, who has been close to the Cold Case Posse’s investigation, if the information imparted by Shrimpton is part of that which will be released next month, to which Gallups responded, “As far as I know this is not a part of the March announcement.”

                    409 posted on Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:14:48 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

                    B. Steadman


                    • #11

                      To: LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

                      Nearly 5 years after his Feb 2008 article Shrimpton published an article on November 8, 2012 updating and elaborating extensively on his claims about Barry.

                      In this Nov. 2012 arcicle he is far less certain in what he says about whether or not Stanley Ann is Barry’s mom. Instead he offers his personal survey of the Western intelligence services and THEIR preferred narratives regarding Barry’s birth.

                      The date of this article is interesting in that is just days after Barry was reelected. Shrimpton may have hoped that Barry would be defeated, but since he was not, Shrimpton splatters these claims (still no documents or named witnesses) saying he hopes the Electoral College will refuse to certify the election.

                      Here is the article link followed by key quotes regarding who might be Barry’s mom and where and when might he have been born:



                      The competing theories may be shortly stated. President Obama and the Democratic Party claim that he was born in Honolulu in the State of Hawai’i on August 4th 1961. They have been consistent about the date but not the place. Two different hospitals were put forward at different times in the 2008 election (I have been tracking this issue since Obama first came on my radar, as a state senator in Illinois, about ten years ago). The President and the Democrats have now settled on the Kapio’lani Maternity Hospital in Honolulu. Mainstream media commentators like Anne Applebaum are seemingly unaware that two different US birthplaces have been put forward by the President and his supporters. They tend to take the latest White House position as fact.

                      The Kenya theory, supported by many Republicans, a broad swathe of the international intelligence community (behind the scenes) and, in the public domain, by the entrepreneur Donald Trump, asserts that the President was born in or near Mombasa in what is now Kenya. Within this group there are five main sub-groups – those who say that the date of birth is correct but not the place, those who put the birth in 1960, those who say that the claimed maternal relationship is true but not the paternal relationship, those who put it the other way round and those who accept the claimed parentage but not place of birth. There is of course cross-over between these groups on the date of birth.

                      The CIA, semi-publicly, accepted maternity but challenged paternity. Two names for the father, including the radical black activist ‘Malcolm X,’ were privately circulated by ‘sources close to the CIA’ in 2010 and 2011. The CIA’s true position, supported I am told by a DNA test, is that the claimed paternity is correct but not maternity. Their official position is of course the White House line, i.e. that President Obama is eligible to be sworn in as President on January 21st. The CIA were actually quite slow to get to grips with the issue. So far as I know no work was done on it until I briefed them in, in 2007. Both MI5 and MI6 held out on them for some months afterwards, indeed I don’t think MI6 made full disclosure of their position until CIA had the DNA test done (I am told they used wine and water glasses, with the DNA swabs verified by fingerprints). Homeland Security are said to agree with the CIA’s internal assessment. They of course have access to the immigration and passport records, which have never been disclosed publicly and are apparently troubling for the Democrats.

                      The Mossad, DGSE, BND, SVR, MI5 and MI6 go with Mombasa, although there is some disagreement between the agencies about date of birth. SVR are rumored to favour 1961, e.g., whereas MI6 and Mossad are said to go with 1960. MI5 have a file because the colonial internal security files came over from Nairobi in 1963. Since Obama’s father and grandfather were both linked to the Mau-Mau terrorist organization they were very properly made the subjects of intelligence and police surveillance.

                      There is actually very little evidential support for the Honolulu theory. The document the media refer to as a ‘birth certificate’ is nothing of the sort. It is an electronic facsimile, unsupported by matching Hawai’i file entries, which are sealed. I respectfully associate myself with the criticisms of this document by the forensic specialists who examined it at the behest of Arizona lawman Sheriff Joe Arpaio. It consists of multiple layers and appears to have been generated by software. It is not an original, nor even a photocopy of an original.

                      It does not take the case very much further, save that its production is damaging to the White House’s credibility, as was the production of a shorter-form purported certificate in 2008, which was denounced at the time as a forgery by a Hawai’ian official, although the state then backtracked, under intense political pressure. The older fabrication was a two-dimensional computer file, which appeared to have been photo-shopped. The purported official seal lacked depth, a common mistake by forgers.

                      There is a self-serving entry in the Honolulu Advertiser, which again takes the case no further, since it has always been clear that the ‘parents’ were claiming the birth of a baby boy named Barack in Honolulu on 4th August 1961. The address in that advertisement was not real however, an odd feature.

                      There are some surprising lacunae in the evidence produced. The claimed mother’s medical records, e.g., have never been released. That calls for comment, since in the US there would have been an attending physician. One would expect to see some reference in the medical records for a teenage girl undergoing her first pregnancy. There are no photographs showing Ann Dunham whilst pregnant, and no evidence that she took ‘her’ child with her to Washington State, after she left school in Honolulu. There are no photographs of Barack Obama in the US before the age of about two.

                      Neither of the alleged places of birth has a record of Ann Dunham being admitted in the first week of August 1961, hospital admission records being something investigators have been calling for over four years. There are no supporting records from the attending physician, whose name was suppressed for some three years after the issue started to gain traction. There are issues over the numbering of the long form birth certificate produced, which does not appear to be in sequence. The relevant immigration records are sealed, something which troubled Sheriff Arpaio, an experienced lawman, and his investigating posse. I know some have challenged the sheriff’s good faith, but I see no reason to question it. He is a man of the highest integrity - we are not talking Thames Valley Police here.

                      The passport records are relevant, because President Obama cannot have visited Pakistan during the al-Huq dictatorship on a US passport. On what basis was he issued a passport by another state? If Indonesian what was said to the Indonesian authorities about his date and place of birth?

                      411 posted on Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:36:53 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

                      To: hoosiermama

                      7 min vid is either from the start or around the 2/3 point of the 93 minute talk.

                      He is asked a question from the audience toward the 2/3 point and reiterates what he said at the beginning.

                      From the context of the whole thing, it is sometime around January /February 2008 because he mentions a)snow b) Edwards and Hillary campaigns .

                      Not sure of the exact location but maybe it can be enlarged so the charts can be seen and the colleague- a lady in reddish suit- can be recognized.

                      As to grandparents - if sado was adopted she would be a citizen.

                      But the DNA is only the half of it... there’s the docs from Nairobi and the phone conversations.

                      Would be interesting to independently verify by asking this question “have you been contacted by a Mr Michael shrimpton” of the people that were connected with the various campaigns. Just the question, nothing more.

                      414 posted on Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:54:33 AM by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57, returning after lurking since 2000))

                      B. Steadman


                      • #12

                        To: LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

                        A “Court News UK” report was put on this thread showing Shrimpton being accused of falsely reporting a bomb threat. I have found the date of that Court News UK report to be July 23, 2013, nearly a year ago saying he would stand trial “next year” (2014) yet there don’t ssem to be further news accounts.


                        July 23, 2013

                        AYLESBURY A barrister accused of making hoax claims to a senior Ministry of Defence official about a bomb being hidden at an east London hospital is to stand trial next year. Michael Shrimpton, 56, allegedly told Barry Burton, a close colleague of Defence Secretary Phillip Hammond, that an explosive device was at Newham Hospital. Shrimpton, the author of conspiracy theory book, Spyhunter, is also said to have made bogus bomb claims to the offices of David Liddington, MP for Aylesbury, the following day, Southwark Crown Court heard.”

                        Hoosiermama has found an article apparently giving more details on the dust-up between Shrimpton and UK Police which was appears to be the same case that was reported in the Court News UK:


                        The Thames Valley Police, well-known for their fictional representations in the Colin Dexter detective novels, detained a substantial ranking government security officer, department to continue to be unnamed, at the behest of what we are told is the Property Secretary.


                        My guess would be that this is the same nuke that MICHAEL SHRIMPTON was referring to when he was interviewed by U.S. christian radio station (TruNews) host Rick Wiles on WEDNESDAY JUNE 13th 2012.

                        Shrimpton told Wiles that he`d received intel info about a nuke that was planned for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in London.
                        He claimed the Intel info came from Russia.

                        However, he also told Rick Wiles that, after discovering it and discussing it HE WAS ARRESTED & DETAINED BY THAMES VALLEY POLICE, and in fact he also claimed that he intends to sue them.

                        LINK TO THE INTERVIEW BELOW :

                        Wednesday June 13, 2012
                        Guest: Michael Shrimpton
                        Topic: British barrister and intelligence expert Michael Shrimpton reveals mysterious information from Russian spy that a nuclear bomb explosion was planned for opening of 2012 Olympics in London next month.


                        415 posted on Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:57:04 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

                        To: WildHighlander57; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; ...


                        By Michael Shrimpton 9th November 2012

                        “I recommend people read the comments here at this source link:


                        “Some of the comments are very interesting, and some are funny.”

                        I heartily support WildHighlander57’s recommendation that FReepers read the comments to Shrimpton’s Nov. 2012 article, many of which are used by Shrimpton to elaborate extensively on the subject.

                        421 posted on Thursday, February 27, 2014 12:06:14 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

                        To: Seizethecarp

                        I hear ya!

                        Thing is, Mr shrimpton’s points refute Ms. T’s claims.

                        He says there’s info supporting bho SR paternity and a kenyan birth from these sources: Nairobi; audio recordings; interviews with Edwards, Hillary, and McCain campaigners.

                        She doesn’t say what/who are her sources.

                        A debate between the two would be most interesting!

                        430 posted on Thursday, February 27, 2014 12:30:09 PM by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57, returning after lurking since 2000))
                        B. Steadman


                        • #13
                          Report: Who Is British Intel Advisor Michael Shrimpton; Obama Born In Kenya?

                          Birther Report



                          Who is Michael Shrimpton?
                          By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

                          (Feb. 27, 2014) — On Wednesday, two videos, one a longer version of the other, were widely disseminated on the internet which appeared to depict British Barrister Michael Shrimpton stating unequivocally that British intelligence had documentary evidence, including a recorded verbal admission from Barack Hussein Obama himself, that he was born in the nation of Kenya, not Hawaii, as he has claimed to the American public since at least 2007.

                          The setting and date of the videos is not identified, although Shrimpton refers to Obama as “Senator” and to Hillary Clinton and Sen. John McCain as having been the recipients of the intelligence which he claimed he shared with them prior to the 2008 presidential election.

                          At approximately 3:00 in the video, Shrimpton said he also informed the campaign of then-presidential candidate John Edwards, which requested a meeting with him. He also said that he spoke with one of Obama’s “senior” campaign advisers and speculated that Obama would withdraw from the race as a result of “pressure.” “With all of these people in the loop, it’s difficult to see how Obama can survive,” Shrimpton said.

                          Shrimpton also said that the “American National Security Agency” has recordings of Obama “admitting” to his birth in Kenya. At approximately 7:00, Shrimpton refers to Obama’s claimed birth in “Queens Medical Center” on August 4, 1961 as having been “blown away.” There were initial reports that Queens was the hospital of Obama’s birth, then the narrative changed to say that Obama was born at Kapiolani Children’s Medical Center on August 4, 1961.

                          The YouTube channel for Gaia Militia, where the videos were first posted to the knowledge of this writer, frequently refers to “German intelligence” and similar crimes to that which Shrimpton discussed with writer David Icke, as noted below. Gaia Militia posted the Shrimpton video with a length of 1:33:32. The statements about Obama’s alleged origin have been circulated in much shorter clips beginning at 2:00 in the full-length video.

                          Toward the end of his comments about Obama, Shrimpton claims that members of Rudy Giuliani’s 2008 presidential campaign “bought him lunch last year, because they knew that I knew.” He claimed he also informed Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Shrimpton then said that he did not believe Obama’s “secret” “would stay secret for much longer.”

                          However, no American politician ever stated publicly that he or she was aware that Obama was “born in Kenya” prior to the 2008 election. Reports of Hillary Clinton having said, “You can’t run for president; you’re not a natural born Citizen” have surfaced, but if there was video of such a statement, it has disappeared.

                          Shrimpton names the former director of the CIA under President Bill Clinton as “not denying” that Obama was “born in Kenya.”

                          The U.S. Constitution requires that the president and commander-in-chief be a “natural born Citizen,” which is generally understood to mean born in the United States. Historically, however, the citizenship of the parents was also considered by the U.S. Supreme Court. Despite concern expressed by thousands, if not millions, of citizens about Obama’s possible ineligibility for the presidency, Congress, attorneys general, governors, judges and prosecutors ignored the evidence presented and issued form letters stating that Obama was born in Hawaii. No judge or U.S. attorney has allowed the evidence to be presented to a sitting federal grand jury.

                          In 2008, Michelle Obama called Kenya her husband’s “home country.” The year before, Obama’s literary agent changed his biography to read that instead of “Kenya,” “Hawaii” was the place of his birth.

                          The long-form birth certificate posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011 and Obama’s Selective Service registration form have been declared “computer-generated forgeries” by a criminal investigation carried out by the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse. Reportedly, “universe-shattering” information will be released soon.

                          The posse has said that “there never was a birth in Hawaii” for Obama.

                          In regard to the forgeries, Mike Volin of stated on the Peter Boyles show that there will be prosecutions. To the left of the Gaia Militia YouTube website is listed the name “Mark Gillar,” who in December produced a video which he sent to The Post & Email stating that “prosecutions are coming” in regard to the birth certificate and Selective Service registration forgeries. A link leads to Gillar’s YouTube channel.

                          After the release of the videos on Wednesday, “Freedom Friday” host Carl Gallups issued a special broadcast containing some of the Shrimpton footage which included the statement “Obama was born in Mombasa in 1960.” Shrimpton also said that Obama’s claimed mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, is not his biological mother.

                          Shrimpton is a columnist for Veterans Today and author of the book Spyhunter. At VT, he often writes about conspiracies, including some involving the American Kennedy family, while also discrediting other conspiracy theories. Shrimpton wrote that he believes that an “insider” assisted members of the terrorist group Al-Shabaab to ferry in the heavy weapons used to murder innocent shoppers at the Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, on September 22, 2013.

                          A biography of Shrimpton posted at the website for the American Speakers Bureau states that his specialty is “Global Terrorism and Intelligence” and has “been invited to the headquarters of more than one intelligence agency.” Further, it states that Shrimpton is “known to every major intelligence agency in the western world” and credits him with exposing “propaganda operations such as the ‘fake hood’ Abu Ghraib photo.”

                          In his article about the Nairobi terrorist attack, Shrimpton indicates that he contacted the “NSA” to communicate the location of a vehicle used in the July 7, 2005 terrorist attack in London. He also referenced an upcoming trip to the U.S. Naval Academy to be made the following week, which would have been early October.

                          In an interview with prolific British writer and speaker David Icke, Shrimpton asserts that the late Prime Minister Ted Heath was involved in horrendous crimes against children and that a child kidnapped from Portugal in May 2007, Madeleine McCann, was murdered in December 2008. Recently Portuguese authorities announced that a new development had arisen in the investigation.

                          On Thursday, Icke posted a video containing the song sung by Lee Greenwood, “God Bless the USA” with the caption “Proud to Be An American — Really?” depicting victims of World War II, U.S. Japanese internment camps, the attack on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993, the Iraq War, and civilian deaths in Syria. Icke has worked as a journalist and runs columns under many categories on his website, including “corruption,” taken from other media sources.

                          Shrimpton’s ASB biography states that he is “a charismatic speaker who has delivered speeches in London, Washington, Jerusalem, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Los Angeles, and many other places, Michael Shrimpton has been a guest on Fox News, Sky, the BBC, CNN, and ITN. He has also written for The London Times, Public Law, and New Law Journal and prepared intelligence assessments for use at the highest levels.”

                          Shrimpton was also interviewed by George Noory of Coast to Coast AM on April 7, 2007, about the Iraq War and 9/11 conspiracy theories.

                          The Post & Email has attempted to contact Shrimpton via his public email address posted at VT. As noted on Wednesday evening, his Wikipedia entry has been inexplicably removed.

                          Source link. © 2014, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

                          View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

                          B. Steadman

