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WTF - "Common Core Approved" Textbook - 2nd Amendment requires GUN REGISTRATION

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  • WTF - "Common Core Approved" Textbook - 2nd Amendment requires GUN REGISTRATION

    “Common Core Approved” Civics Textbook Tells Elementary & Middle School Students That the Second Amendment Means U.S. Citizens Can Only Own Guns If They Agree to Register Them!

    Liberty News

    Joe Calandra Jr.


    The photo (featured in article) shows a “Common Core Approved” civics/government instruction booklet for elementary-middle school-aged youth that tells kids a bold faced lie about the U.S. Constitution and the original intent of the Framers.

    The booklet argues that the right to keep and bear arms in the Second Amendment means U.S. citizens can only have guns if they agree to register them!

    If you know this text represents Liberal revisionist history, please share this story and the image from Team Breitbart to do your part to help.

    Now that Liberty News and Breitbart News have reported truth, you can take action to tell Congressional leaders you want states to have the right to determine their own educational policies free from federal coercion.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    " LIES , lies and more lies ". Since the beginning of AMERICA , the republic , and the constitution , there has never been one word about registering a gun or making a 3 day application to own a gun . For more than 200 years , citizens have owned rifles , shotguns , muskets , pistols and other firearms without registration . The fools who wrote that gibberish must be exposed as liars , and awarded 10 PINNOCHIOS . Even the children and other young students have enough sense to know those are LIES .

