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WTF - Brewer disagrees with Arpaio findings, believes Obama birth record real

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  • WTF - Brewer disagrees with Arpaio findings, believes Obama birth record real

    Brewer disagrees with Arpaio findings, believes Obama birth record real

    East Valley Tribune

    Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services

    "PHOENIX — Gov. Jan Brewer wants Barack Obama out of the White House.

    But she said Tuesday it’s not because she believes the findings last week by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio that his birth certificate appears to be a fake.

    “I have every reason to believe that his birth certificate is valid in the state of Hawaii,” the governor said.

    Brewer acknowledged that, unlike the sheriff, she has not done extensive research.

    But the governor said she had spoken several years ago to her Hawaiian counterpart when the issue first arose. And she said Tuesday that he “assured me that everything was in proper order and they stand by their records that he was born in Hawaii.”

    Arpaio sniffed at the governor’s comments.

    “That’s the governor’s opinion,” he said. “And I have my opinion, plus facts.”

    Those facts, Arpaio said, stem from what he said was a forensic analysis of an electronic copy of the president’s birth certificate posted on the White House web site.

    Mike Zullo, head of the sheriff’s Cold Case Posse, who headed the investigation, said that showed it was not a single scanned document but several pieces put together with software. And he said there is no legitimate explanation for the inconsistencies.

    Arpaio said while he was not accusing Obama of serving illegally — the U.S. Constitution allows only native-born citizens to be president — the sheriff said the findings show evidence of a fraud perpetrated on the public. And Zullo said that merits a further criminal probe.

    And Arpaio said the assurances of Hawaii’s former governor, Linda Lingle, to Brewer are irrelevant.

    “I mean, what does that mean?” he told Capitol Media Services. “You’ve got to go back and see all the conflicts” over the document.

    Anyway, the sheriff said, that conversation between the two chief executives occurred “some time ago.”

    Brewer seemed bemused by the ongoing attention, especially with an election this fall.

    “We’ve got November coming up and we can vote him up or vote him down,” she said.

    This isn’t Brewer’s first tussle with those who question Obama’s U.S. birth.

    Last year she vetoed legislation which would have required candidates to provide proof they were born in this country to get on the Arizona ballot. Brewer said giving the secretary of state authority to decide if a candidate is eligible, as the law would have allowed, “could lead to arbitrary or politically motivated decisions.”

    She also suggested there was an “ick” factor in the measure, noting candidates who could not produce a “long form birth certificate” would have had the option of instead furnishing other documents.

    “I never imagined being presented with a bill that could require candidates for President of the greatest and most powerful nation on Earth to submit their ‘early baptismal or circumcision certificates’ among other records to the Arizona secretary of state,” Brewer wrote."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman