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ITB/LOL - Nation Shocked to Learn Kathleen Sebelius Hadn’t Resigned a While Ago

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  • ITB/LOL - Nation Shocked to Learn Kathleen Sebelius Hadn’t Resigned a While Ago

    Nation Shocked to Learn Kathleen Sebelius Hadn’t Resigned a While Ago

    National Review Online

    Jim Geraghty


    From the last Morning Jolt until the Monday after Easter:
    Nation Shocked to Learn Kathleen Sebelius Hadn’t Resigned a While Ago

    News that is surprising only in that it took this long:
    Kathleen Sebelius, who oversaw the bug-ridden rollout of a federal health insurance program that she herself called “miserably frustrating,” is resigning as secretary of Health and Human Service… Sebelius told Obama of her intentions in early March, a White House official said.

    Man . . . everything this woman does gets delayed.

    This is actually long past the point of having much consequence. The news is clear that Sebelius is resigning, not that she’s being fired, and there’s not even much sense that the president wanted this or thought it was an appropriate consequence for how Obamacare’s rollout proceeded on her watch.

    “The White House official said that President Obama was ‘deeply grateful’ for Sebelius’ service.” Why? What would she have to do for him to not be grateful for her service?

    The example has already been set. A month ago I wrote about the dysfunctional federal bureaucracy and noted, “The managers of the worst offenders rarely if ever are held accountable, and, as we’ve seen, apparently no scandal is sufficient to warrant firing a cabinet secretary. If Sebelius escaped consequence for failure, why should anyone below her worry, or anyone in any other branch of the federal bureaucracy?”

    And of course, she had to offer at least one more lie on the way out the door:
    On March 31, Sebelius joined HuffPost Live’s Alyona Minkovski to discuss the Affordable Care Act sign-up deadline. When asked if she would still be part of the Obamacare effort in November, Sebelius said she “absolutely” would.

    When prompted a second time to confirm her intention to remain with the administration, Sebelius declared, “I’m in.”


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman