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ITB - The Republicans’ Continued Public Relations Disaster -- PJ Media, Roger L. Simo

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  • ITB - The Republicans’ Continued Public Relations Disaster -- PJ Media, Roger L. Simo

    The Republicans’ Continued Public Relations Disaster

    PJ Media

    Roger L. Simon


    Given the current state of the USA, Republicans should be winning every election from Seattle to Key West. The economy hasn’t moved for years with the labor participation rate at record lows — people have given up – and bankruptcy over entitlements looming. The international situation is in free fall with China becoming the global power, Iran making a mockery of faux negotiations and Putin on the way to reconstituting the Soviet Union. Al Qaeda is not only alive, it’s growing. (GM is dead.) Optimism about our country is in the proverbial toilet. More Americans feel threatened by their own government than proud of it.

    Republicans should be winning by acclimation for every position from dog catcher to president.

    But they’re not. And you don’t need Strother Martin to tell you why – it’s a failure to communicate.

    And that’s not just the so-called establishment or the so-called Tea Party — it’s both. Both are doing an atrocious job of taking their message to the people. The establishment remains super cautious, equivocating and boring while the Tea Party walks around pretending as if wearing a three-cornered hat and waving the Constitution (great as it is) is going to impress a culture the vast number of whom (incorrectly!) associate that Constitution with geriatric white slave holders in jodhpurs. Also, you have to be at least as sophisticated as your high school sons and daughters. We do live in 2014. (If you’re not, what you get is a clueless Sharron Angle losing to that hideous mafioso Harry Reid.)

    Rather than dealing with these realities, both sides — establishment and Tea Party — spend their time aiming fusillades at each other. How infantile and suicidal.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman