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ITB - Sheriff Joe Arpaio Embraces His Hollywood Moment -- The New York Times

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  • ITB - Sheriff Joe Arpaio Embraces His Hollywood Moment -- The New York Times

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio Embraces His Hollywood Moment

    The New York Times

    Fernanda Santos


    LOS ANGELES — Sheriff Joe Arpaio, at once hailed and reviled as America’s toughest sheriff, sauntered into famously liberal Hollywood on Wednesday, traveling hundreds of miles from his home turf and disconcerting legal problems in Arizona to promote a documentary that offers, at best, an unflattering portrayal of his troubled 21 years in office.

    Mr. Arpaio took the filmmaker’s invitation to attend the documentary’s screening at the Beverly Hills Film Festival as a chance for vindication, his shot at setting straight a record he only selectively embraces. Pink underwear for inmates held in the jails he oversees in Maricopa County? “There’s nothing degrading about it,” he said. Female chain gangs? “They love it,” he said in a deadpan voice. Inmates dying after rough handling by detention officers? “None of my officers have ever been convicted,” he asserted. (The county has nonetheless paid out tens of millions of dollars in legal claims linked to the deaths, as the documentary notes.)

    A household name in Arizona, he is a divisive figure. He continues to feed rumors that he is going to run for governor, even as Republican gubernatorial candidates court his endorsement. He has raised millions from supporters despite the court-ordered supervision of his office, which was found to discriminate against Latinos, and a separate federal investigation over abuse of power, discrimination and excessive use of force by his officers, in the jails and on the streets.

    “I know what can destroy me and what can’t, and I know how far I can go,” Mr. Arpaio said as he strolled largely unnoticed along the star-encrusted pathway here known as the Walk of Fame, an octogenarian in a black suit and clip-on tie parading among the tourists and street performers dressed in Elmo and Darth Vader costumes.

    “You’re a sheriff?” asked Wonder Woman, nee Sara Fischel, while wrapping him in a golden lasso and posing for a picture.

    Inside, the famous TCL Chinese Theater stood largely empty at showtime, a reminder, perhaps, that “celebrity” carries a different definition in Hollywood. There was no phalanx of photographers waiting for him. The red carpet was not rolled out until after the film.

    “Where are the protesters? Where are the cameras?” Mr. Arpaio asked, sounding disappointed.

    “They call me a media hound,” he said, “and that might be true.”

    His decision to fly to Los Angeles to promote the documentary, “The Joe Show,” was curious, given the content of the narrative and the demands of his job; one of his deputies fatally shot an armed man on Wednesday as Mr. Arpaio dined on soup and ginger ale on Hollywood Boulevard.

    In an interview, Larry King, one of the boldface names featured in the documentary, said that Mr. Arpaio can be “personally charming” but that his news value is grounded in the fact that he is “a person of importance who is outrageous, bizarre.”

    Mr. Arpaio described himself as “arrogant, tough, sometimes.” Jennifer Braillard, whose mother, Deborah, slipped into diabetic shock in one of his jails and eventually died, called him “absolutely, completely inhumane and cruel.”

    The film capitalizes on Mr. Arpaio’s penchant for publicity, using unrestricted access to his inner circle to profile the canny ways by which he has used the news media both to hone his brand and defuse crises. In one scene, he crosses his arms and taps his foot as 2,000 inmates in pink boxer shorts march to a neighboring jail before a cadre of reporters, doing exactly as his chief spokeswoman, Lisa Allen, had instructed him.

    “I want you to look tough,” Ms. Allen says to him in the film.

    Randy Murray, the movie’s director, started the project in 2004. He said he selected Mr. Arpaio from a list of notable Arizonans he was thinking about profiling at the time — like Janet Napolitano, then the state’s governor; the rocker Alice Cooper; and Senator John McCain — in part because “as soon as we talked to his office, it became clear it would be the easiest to deal with.”

    Soon, Mr. Murray said he found himself covering “publicity stunts,” as he put it: children visiting their parents in jail, the sheriff’s volunteer posse searching for an ostrich lost in the desert, and a singing competition called “Inmate Idol.”


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic ran a thread titled, 'Sheriff Joe Arpaio Embraces His Hollywood Moment' which was started 4/26/2014 by 'ObamahatesPACoal'

    The thread references the 4/26/2014 New York Times article written by Fernanda Santos -

    Posted on Saturday, April 26, 2014 7:57:05 PM by ObamahatesPACoal

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    Excerpts from comments in the thread:

    To: ObamahatesPACoal; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; ...

    Ping to snarky NY Times attempted put-down of Sheriff Arpaio.

    The timing, coming just before the impending “Universe Shattering” revelations about Barry, is very telling, IMO.
    - (bold and color emphasis added)

    Also telling is that while cataloguing Arpaio’s so-called publicity stunts, the NY Times FAILS to devote one word to the Sheriff’s declaration that Barry’s BC was forged!

    The only mention of Zullo’s CCP is:

    “Soon, Mr. Murray said he found himself covering “publicity stunts,” as he put it: children visiting their parents in jail, the sheriff’s volunteer posse searching for an ostrich lost in the desert, and a singing competition called ‘Inmate Idol.’”

    6 posted on Saturday, April 26, 2014 9:49:36 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

    To: Seizethecarp


    Also noteworthy is that the NY Times article is closed to any comments! Wouldn’t want any “birthers” to point to the CCP’s BC investigation, now, would we? /s

    7 posted on Saturday, April 26, 2014 9:53:10 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

    To: Seizethecarp

    “Soon, Mr. Murray said he found himself covering “publicity stunts,” as he put it: children visiting their parents in jail, the sheriff’s volunteer posse searching for an ostrich lost in the desert, and a singing competition called ‘Inmate Idol.’”

    Hmmm...I’m wondering if there is some sort of secret coded message from the NY Times to Barry’s White House in the above sentence with “ostrich” the code word for Barry...

    8 posted on Saturday, April 26, 2014 10:00:39 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:
    B. Steadman

