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WTF - He'll get back to us on that one. Killing citizens with care.

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  • WTF - He'll get back to us on that one. Killing citizens with care.

    He'll get back to us on that one. Killing citizens with care.

    Sipsey Street Irregulars

    Mike Vanderboegh

    "FBI director: Have to check whether targeted killing rule is outside US only."

    But Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, wrote in Foreign Policy magazine on Wednesday that Holder's remarks not only would be seen by the framers of the Constitution as "the very definition of authoritarian power," but were met "not with outcry but muted applause."

    "Holder's new definition of 'due process' was perfectly Orwellian," Turley wrote. "What Holder is describing is a model of an imperial presidency that would have made Richard Nixon blush. ...

    "Where due process once resided, Holder offered only an assurance that the president would kill citizens with care. While that certainly relieved any concern that Obama would hunt citizens for sport, Holder offered no assurances on how this power would be used in the future beyond the now all-too-familiar 'trust us' approach to civil liberties of this administration," he wrote."

    View the post at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Video: The Judge's take on Obama's personal assassination team.

    Uploaded 3/9/2012 by 'cablenewsguy'

    View the video at:
    B. Steadman

