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ITB - Highlights & Takeaways from THE POLITICO’s Profile of President Obama

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  • ITB - Highlights & Takeaways from THE POLITICO’s Profile of President Obama

    Highlights & Takeaways from THE POLITICO’s Profile of President Obama

    Bored by the presidency, Obama yearns to become a full-time member of the global cultural elite

    The Washington Free Beacon

    Andrew Stiles


    THE POLITICO has published an epic philosophical profile of President Obama, the story of a man whose desire to assume his natural place among the global cultural elite is constantly frustrated by the fact that he is merely President of the United States (and somewhat obligated to serve out the remainder of his second term). He is quite clearly suffering from the Oval Office equivalent of Senioritis.

    Read the whole thing, as it contains (probably) some of the most bizarre sentences ever written about a sitting president.

    On Obama’s supreme confidence:

    Obama had always projected the aura of a deeply confident man, someone who on the basis of past experience was justified in assuming that good luck just naturally happened to him.

    On how the president and the first lady are coping with (almost) empty nester syndrome:

    With his daughters around less, the Obamas are taking fuller advantage of the perquisites of the office, such as squeezing “A Raisin in the Sun” on Broadway into a recent Manhattan fundraising trip.

    On Obama’s newfound fondness for celebrity soirees:

    In a departure from a long practice of keeping his personal circle strikingly tight and rarely lingering at official events, Obama has been hosting star-studded dinners that sometimes go on well past midnight and inviting a few newcomers such as former NBA star Alonzo Mourning into his social sphere.

    On the decline and fall of “hope and change”:

    But a presidency built on finding ways to elude Congress is a remarkable descent for a leader whose second inaugural address was an audacious call to arms for a liberal resurgence. These days his actions reflect a conclusion that his best option is to navigate shrewdly within narrow limits rather than soar above them with transformative politics.

    Obama’s proposal to dramatically cut carbon emissions via new EPA regulation is described as his “most ambitious effort yet to tackle climate change without help from Capitol Hill.” (“Help,” in this case, being a euphemism for “Constitutional consent.”)

    Some other interesting takeaways from the piece include:

    1. Since the State of the Union address in late January, Obama has traveled outside Washington “at least once a week.”

    2. ................................

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman