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ITB - Bill Whittle: Get to Work!

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  • ITB - Bill Whittle: Get to Work!

    Bill Whittle: Get to Work!



    Everywhere we look today we see SCANDAL FATIGUE gripping the nation. It’s bad enough that Leftist policy has crippled the national economy; in his latest FIREWALL Bill Whittle explains why you shouldn’t let the Clown Car Cavalcade of Incompetence cripple YOUR economy as well. Watch and discover why America is bigger than these weenies at their worst. Video and transcript below:



    Hi everybody. I’m Bill Whittle and this is the Firewall.

    During the winter Olympics, I saw a commercial for the 2014 Cadillac ELR. I haven’t felt better about America since… well, since November of 2008 actually. I can’t play the whole thing – let me just play you my favorite part:


    The Left hates this, of course: they see in it everything they hate about America. They say he is arrogant and strutting. That’s not strutting: that’s a guy who has someplace to be.

    And arrogance? You want arrogance? Arrogance is a guy becoming President of the Harvard Law Review, then never writing a law review. Near as I can tell, the only qualifications this guy has for being President of the United States is that he used to hand out forms in Chicago. That’s arrogance.

    Anyway, here’s a quick splash of cold water to snap me you of scandal stupor and help you cope with the clown car cavalcade of incompetence: the stupidity, the power-grubbing, vote-buying, pandering student-council weenieness of these losers, race hustlers and envy mongers on the Progressive Left. I’m speaking now to the rest of you: you know, the ones that go to work. The ones that can open a jackknife and know how to change a tire. The men who don’t have to climb on a chair and call the exterminator when there’s a spider in the shower; the women who keep things humming and who love good men and wish there were more of them around.

    Yes, these has-been commie slackers and layabouts and agitators are busy tearing things down as fast as their soft, undersized hands will let them. Yes, as usual, these cheerleaders for failure and shortages are trying to mind your own business and generally gumming up what is a beautiful, humming hive of activity if you’d just leave it alone. Yes, these losers and weenies in are ruining what was once good money and screwing over the economy. But don’t let them screw over your economy.

    We’re descended from people from all over the world who’d had it up to here with kings, potentates, sultans, Emirs, Democrats and other control freaks

    View the complete post, including video, at:
    B. Steadman