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Criticize Obama, go to jail? -- Examiner, Anthony Martin, Conservative Examiner

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  • Criticize Obama, go to jail? -- Examiner, Anthony Martin, Conservative Examiner

    Criticize Obama, go to jail?


    Anthony Martin, Conservative Examiner


    An Independence Day parade in Norfolk, Neb. has sparked a renewed controversy involving freedom of speech and freedom of expression. The parade featured a float that depicted a figure that bore the likeness of Barack Obama, who was standing at the door of an outhouse. The words inscribed on the outhouse stated, "Obama Presidential Library."

    The Nebraska Democratic Party cried foul, claiming that the display was racist. But the float's creator stated that the figure in the float represented himself, and his depiction of the Obama Presidential Library as an outhouse represented his anger concerning Obama's handling of the VA hospital scandal.

    The complaint of the Nebraska Democratic Party was enough to culminate in a visit by an official from the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the NAACP. The NAACP in particular was not amused by the display and stated that the float's creator failed to adequately express the intended message.

    While no further information has been made available, one can only wonder what will happen if the Feds from the DOJ decide that the display's creator had directed his sentiments directly at Obama. Does he go to jail? Will he be fined? Will he be charged with a crime? What crime?

    Is it not allowed in the United States for citizens to openly criticize a president? Is it a crime to use the most captivating means possible to express disgust toward that president, or anyone else in government for that matter?

    Traditionally America has cherished and protected free speech and expression, even that which most may consider to be inappropriate and even if those in government are offended. The only exceptions to this long history took place in 1798 and again in 1917.

    ... under Barack Obama and the Democrats who have controlled at least one chamber of the Congress, both chambers from 2006 to 2010, free speech has stood precariously on the brink of extinction. Recently Attorney General Eric Holder stated that criticizing Barack Obama is racist and implied that there should be legal consequences for doing so, given that such a thing is "hate speech." Further, Obama appointee Elena Kagan, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, has written in the past that the government should exercise more often its power to restrict free speech in the name of "a compelling government interest."


    View the complete article, including photo, at:
    B. Steadman