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ITB - Cryptozoologists Cheer As Two More Mythical Beasts Sighted

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  • ITB - Cryptozoologists Cheer As Two More Mythical Beasts Sighted

    Cryptozoologists Cheer As Two More Mythical Beasts Sighted

    Musings of a Mad Conservative



    It's most definitely that special time during the biannual cycle where one specific type of mythical creature gets itself sighted with greater frequency than all others combined. The headlines are woefully short of Big feet, Yetis, Loch Ness monsters, Abominable Snow Creatures, and Chupacawbras. Conservative Democrats however, have been sighted so far in Arkansas, Alaska, and now also in Colorado, along with West Virginia. Click ... for the reported sighting in Colorado. ... Andrew Romanoff's first television spot:

    Lest you believe him to be the only Democrat pretending to be a Republican ahead of an election, there were more sightings from the mile high state as well. From the Hot Air article linked to above, with emphasis being mine:

    In other adventures in emergency moderation, Gov. John Hickenlooper, Sen. Mark Udall, and Romanoff, as reported in Politico, have all three come out against environmental activists’ anti-fracking measures, which are supposed to be on the ballot this fall. First, Hickenlooper scrambled to subvert the effort with some kind of compromise legislation but failed. Today, he and the very liberal Rep. Jared Polis, who had formerly backed the measures, got together to decide that Polis would pull his support, allowing his deeply held values take one for the team.

    That agreement among Gov. John Hickenlooper, Rep. Jared Polis, environmental groups and the oil and gas industry creates an 18-member task force that will study fracking in Colorado and present recommendations to the state legislature. In exchange, they’ve asked that organizers pull two pro-fracking and two anti-fracking measures and that a lawsuit against the city of Longmont be dismissed.

    “We have an obligation to develop (energy) in a way that is safe for our residents, supports jobs and the economy, respects private property rights and protects our health and environment,” Hickenlooper said.

    The task force will be charged to find solutions that minimize land-use conflicts near homes, schools, businesses and recreational areas. The state is seeking a balanced approach, he said, one that will represent diverse concerns from oil and gas, agriculture, environmental and health groups and local governments.

    In other words, after the election is safely behind those wishing to appear conservative for the purposes of holding power, they'll immediately reverse course and go on with their liberal agenda, as if nothing had ever happened, no promises were made, and more importantly, they didn't just win on the premise of running as if they were Republicans.

    Now for that West Virginia sighting, ... an advert for Natalie Tennant:

    One day the good people of my home state will wake up and realize that when ever a Democrat claims conservative bona fides, they are lying. I find it hilarious that she actually mentioned Joe Manchin, a fellow who was solidly behind in his Senatorial bid until he ran this ad:

    For the record, Joe went O for, in terms of keeping the promises made in that advertisement. He coauthored a gun control bill, voted to keep Obamacare rolling when given that chance, voted in favor of gas and oil restrictions, and voted for mountainous increases in federal spending each and every time such a vote was requested by our President.

    I find it rather amusing that there are some in our Fruited Plains who insist that the Republican Brand is dead or dying, and that the era of Conservatism is over. Nancy Pelosi engineered a takeover of the House by exclusively recruiting, "Blue Dogs," and targeting Congressional districts where such a ruse was possible. Bill Clinton ran as a Conservative Democrat twice. Even the Bamster moderated his true beliefs when in front of cameras, and further, any who noticed that he was in fact a Marxist was immediately labeled a racist and chided for their political insensitivity. Every two years we go through the same game, where many Democrats campaign somewhere to the right of Barry Goldwater, and once elected fall into the Stalinist line.


    View the complete article, including links and videos, at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    TO CONSERVE is to save . Every member of congress should have the mind to conserve our tax dollars &
    use them wisely , just as the rule of " PRUDENT MAN " manager of O . P . M . ( other peoples money ) .
    Progressive is a misnomer , since demonrats are mostly regressive , oppressive , suppressive & subversive .

