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ITB - Joan Rivers Has Been Placed in Medically-Induced Coma, Reports Say

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  • ITB - Joan Rivers Has Been Placed in Medically-Induced Coma, Reports Say

    Joan Rivers Has Been Placed in Medically-Induced Coma, Reports Say


    Josh Feldman


    Joan Rivers was rushed to the hospital earlier today because she reportedly stopped breathing. And now multiple media outlets, including Fox News, are saying that Rivers has been placed in a medically-induced coma at the hospital.

    The New York Daily News reported earlier that doctors placed Rivers in the coma and she “will remain in a coma until the weekend,” during which time Rivers’ daughter Melissa will speak with doctors about the damage done.

    Other reports have said that Rivers is currently in a stable but critical condition. A hospital spokesperson said, “Her family wants to thank everybody for their outpouring of love and support. We will provide an update on her condition as it becomes available.”


    View the complete article, including photo, at:

    My comment: I wonder if this DRAMATIC DECLINE IN HEALTH suffered by Ms. Rivers could have anything to do with her recent, below-referenced statement regarding Michelle (Mike???) and Barack (Barry):

    Joan Rivers calls President Obama gay, says Michelle Obama is a 'tranny'

    Fuddy?- Hastings?- Breitbart?
    Last edited by bsteadman; 08-29-2014, 03:46 PM.
    B. Steadman