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ITB - America is in Trouble, Peacetime Martial Law by Executive Order

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  • ITB - America is in Trouble, Peacetime Martial Law by Executive Order


    Congress and the Supreme Court had better act and act now.

    Dwight Kehoe

    "Obama has done some very scary things and made some frightening statements over the past four years as he has moved from relative obscurity into a position where he has begun his promise to fundamentally change America.

    The Executive Order, which has been misused and abused by every President from the very beginning, starting with George Washington, but none have done so with the outrageous arrogance and impunity of the present one.

    As many of you know, the term Executive Order does not appear in the Constitution. It has been derived form the term Executive Power. This was meant to give the relative power of the presidency to write executive orders for the Executive Branch. Not to give one man, and one third of the government, power over the other two, and with it, the entire population.

    Congress and the Supreme Court had better get their heads out of the dark recesses where they have planted them and stop this Executive Branch from making them nothing more than over paid debating societies.

    The complicit news media, by refusing to report on anything detrimental to Obama, from eligibility, to forgeries and most importantly his quick and methodical dismantling of our Constitution, if history serves as any indicator, will be the first group to feel the wrath of a Marxist government.

    At this point we need to revisit world history. In particular, Socialist, Marxist and Communist governments. As historians look back at the successes of these regimes, what can be tallied? Have they made life prosperous or enhanced freedoms for their people? Everyone, even them, knows the answer to that question.

    What they are good at and very good at, is controlling their people and staying in power, at any cost. Any cost! They do this by keeping the people uneducated, uninformed, unarmed and living in fear.

    For those that have gone to public schools during the past few decades there is not enough space or time to describe even a small portion of misery and death leftist governments have wrought.

    No other form of government has so callously and mercilessly murdered its own citizens. Hundreds upon hundreds of millions of the world's people have been exterminated in the vile determination to keep and hold power. The blood of its people is the lubricant of its power.

    Where have we seen this voracious struggle to hold power? Not only in the larger and more potentially economic areas of the world, like China, Germany and the old Soviet Union, but we have seen it in the smallest and under developed countries in the world from Viet Nam, Laos, Nicaragua, North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba. The list is long and deadly.

    Now, if these leftist, socialist, Marxist and Communist governments have stopped at nothing to hold onto power in these miniscule and relatively unimportant countries, what, may God help us, would they do to keep and maintain control over the largest and most powerful country the world has ever seen?

    Will they "Willy Nilly" walk into an election that they know they can't win and thereby hand back to the people, the most coveted prize any leftist government has ever sunk its talons into?

    History has the answer and its a resounding NO!

    Will they take the chance that cheating, voting by the dead and the illegal or through ballot manipulation, will keep them in power? Another NO!

    Since no President has ever been voted out of office during a major conflict, starting a war at the proper time just might be enough, in their view, to be reelected and then have another set of four years to secure its perpetual control.

    Then there are these questions:
    1. Why has the power grid been placed on the edge of collapse?
    2. Why have 100's of power plants been closed?
    3. Why have permits for oil drilling been ceased to almost nothing?
    4. Why has oil from Canada been halted?
    5. Why has FEMA been building "camps"?
    6. Why has the "Patriot Act" been changed to possibly allow the internment of American citizens?
    7. Why was this last executive order giving the power to the executive branch to declare "Martial Law" even in peace time?
    8. What has Obama been doing to create his "Civilian Security Force"?
    9. Why have they worked so hard to get weapons out of the hands of Americans? (Mexican Drug Lords excepted)

    A breakdown of the county's power grid would create havoc, desperation, death and a collapse of social services. The only answer, we would be told would be "Peace Time Martial Law" and the temporary cancellation of the Constitution and thereby the November election.

    If all this sounds like some crackpot "black helicopter" or chicken little conspiracy theory, you may be right. But there is just too much history for us to ignore all the pieces that are falling into place.

    Congress and the Judicial Branch, why are they not concerned?

    News media, you have been given special rights under our Constitution. Will you take on that responsibility before you lose it?

    These three groups had better wake up and do their duties to protect the freedom and Democracy of this great Republic.

    "We The People" make up a fourth group and they will do what needs to be done. Let's pray that need never arrives."
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Executive-order panic: Martial law in U.S.?

    White House quietly releases document that creates widespread worry


    Drew Zahn


    "The White House’s late-week release of an executive order has sent the online community into an uproar, worried that President Obama had secretly provided himself means to institute martial law in America.

    In the common practice of dumping government documents on a Friday afternoon, just as the news cycle is wrapping up for the week – a move critics say allows the administration to avoid widespread coverage of embarrassing actions – the White House released an executive order on “National Defense Resources Preparedness.”

    Filled with language about “government-owned equipment” and a “defense executive reserve,” among other vague statements, rumors began to spread that the executive order expanded the president’s power to do everything from seizing whole industries to drafting private armies.

    A Canada Free Press article titled “Obama Executive Order: Peacetime Martial Law!” spread concerns of gasoline ration cards; while an Examiner article declared the order would “nationalize everything” and “allow for a civilian draft.” Facebook, email and Twitter were suddenly abuzz, and even the extremely popular Drudge Report posted a link to the White House release under the title “Martial Law? Obama Issues Executive Order.”

    But are the cries of martial law and expanding executive power justified?

    No, says William A. Jacobson, associate clinical professor at Cornell Law School.

    “If someone wants to make the argument that this is an expansion of presidential powers, then do so based on actual language,” warns Jacobson. “There is enough that Obama actually does wrong without creating claims which do not hold up to scrutiny.”

    As it turns out, Obama’s executive order is nearly identical to EO 12919, issued by President Clinton on June 7, 1994, which itself was an amendment to EO 10789, issued in 1958 by President Eisenhower, and which in fact, was later amended by EO 13286, issued in 2003 by George W. Bush."

    .................................................. ...

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

