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TMQ - Robert De Niro’s racist joke about the FLOTUS is not OK

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  • TMQ - Robert De Niro’s racist joke about the FLOTUS is not OK

    Gingrich: Robert De Niro’s racist joke about the FLOTUS is not OK

    Hot Air

    Tina Korbe


    "At a fundraising event with the First Lady last night, actor Robert De Niro made what The Hill calls a “racially-themed” joke.

    Callista Gingrich. Karen Santorum. Ann Romney. Now do you really think our country is ready for a white First Lady?”
    - De Niro asked, to which the crowd cried, “No!” De Niro followed up with, “Too soon, right?”

    That joke wasn’t just “racially-themed.” Generally, I don’t like to be among the people who cry, “Racist!” at every little thing, but there seems to be quite a bit of confusion in our country about what does and does not constitute racism. If sexism is reducing a person to gender, isn’t racism reducing a person to race? In these sentences, De Niro gives no reason whatsoever as to why Callista Gingrich, Karen Santorum or Ann Romney would make a poor First Lady other than that they’re white. He implied that Michelle Obama should remain the First Lady for no reason other than that she’s black. He surely has other reasons for his views, but, in this joke, he focused solely on the respective races of the women. That, my friends, is racist."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Campaign calls De Niro comment 'inappropriate' after Gingrich blast

    CNN Political Ticker



    "(CNN) – President Barack Obama's reelection organization said Tuesday it was "inappropriate" for Robert De Niro to joke at a campaign fundraiser in New York Monday that America wasn't "ready for a white first lady."

    "We believe the joke was inappropriate," Olivia Alair, Campaign Press Secretary to the First Lady, said in a statement."

    .................................................. .....

    View the complete article, including embedded video, at:
    B. Steadman

