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WTF - Trayvon Martin Suspended THREE Times for Drugs, Truancy, Graffiti, etc. etc....

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  • WTF - Trayvon Martin Suspended THREE Times for Drugs, Truancy, Graffiti, etc. etc....

    Suspended THREE times for drugs, truancy and graffiti and 'caught carrying a burglary tool': New picture emerges of Trayvon Martin (and did he attack a bus driver too?)

    Daily Mail

    Daily Mail Reporter

    • The teen was suspended from school three times
    • He was on suspension when he was shot in February, after officials caught him with a 'marijuana pipe' and a baggie with drug residue
    • Trayvon was kicked out of school in October for graffiti after he was allegedly caught with a 'burglary tool' and a bag full of women's jewelry
    • Officials also suspended him once for skipping school and tardiness
    • Tearful parents say their son is now the victim of a smear campaign
    • New poll shows 73 percent of Americans think Zimmerman should be arrested

    "Trayvon Martin was suspended from school three times in the months before he was shot dead by a neighborhood watchman, it emerged today.

    The new claims, revealed in a leaked report, paint a different picture of a teenager who frequently found himself in trouble with authorities.

    It was also revealed that he might have attacked a bus driver, according to a Twitter account that it is claimed belonged to the teen.

    The Miami Herald claims that in October, he was caught with a 'burglary tool' - a flathead screwdriver - and 12 pieces of women's jewellery. Martin insisted that they did not belong to him.

    Earlier, he had been suspended for skipping school and showing up late to class. And most recently, in February, he was suspended again when officials found a 'marijuana pipe' and an empty baggie with traces of the drug.

    The fresh claims are likely to be seized upon by supporters of George Zimmerman who say the teenager launched an unprovoked attack on the neighbourhood watch volunteer moments before Trayvon was shot dead."

    .................................................. ..........

    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 03-27-2012, 06:44 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    In the Zimmerman- Martin case: What the Left wanted and what they actually got

    Coach is Right

    Kevin 'Coach' Collins

    "In its panting and perverse charge to find an issue to ignite Black enthusiasm to vote for Barack Obama, the Left has run through a dark alley with a blindfold on. Predictably they have stepped on nails and smashed their face against some sharp objects.

    When they heard the name George Zimmerman of Florida the Left immediately thought they had an eighty year old retired Jewish Democrat accountant originally from Queens New York. They thought maybe George Zimmerman was a runaway from the Democrat’s Jewish plantation (Bob Dylan’s real name is Zimmerman after all) who had gone NRA gun toting Republican TEA partier on them. They were wrong. George Zimmerman is a 28 year old self identified brown skinned Hispanic Democrat who they wish was an NRA member. He tutors Black children in his home and is not a TEA partier.

    They looked at the picture of Trayvon Martin and fooled themselves into believing he was an angelic youth headed for Harvard someday. Instead they got a budding thug who had a series of scrapes with authorities that included possession of burglary tools and drug possession.

    They thought they could find evidence that Zimmerman was on top of Martin punching him and calling him the “N” word. Instead they have an eye witness backing up Zimmerman’s claim of self defense and the “N” charge is just a dream.

    They thought his neighbors would tell reporters Zimmerman hated Blacks. Instead they have a Black character witness for Zimmerman and his Black friends and family.

    They thought they would have a White Police Chief who would kiss their feet to keep peace – and his job. They lost that on day two. They now have Black Chief so that angle is gone.

    They thought they would have two justifiably shell shocked parents who would do whatever they were told. Instead they got a pair of opportunists who have even less shame than would be Puppet Masters Sharpton and Jackson. They have copyrighted their son’s name and quit their jobs to promote the sale of “Trayvon” merchandise.

    They thought they could bring in the Black Panthers to scare White people then go away. Instead they got the Panthers putting a bounty on Zimmerman and threatening to burn down Detroit.

    They thought Zimmerman would be living in a “Lilly White” gated fortress that screamed “Minorities keep out.” Instead they got a community that is more than half non White.

    They thought they could get Black celebrities to jump in and add strength and lust to their circus of lies. Instead they got a dimwitted Spike Lee tweeting a wrong address for the lynch mob to descend upon ,and Lee is now on his way to a nasty losing lawsuit.

    They thought they could get a bunch of Black high school kids to peacefully march to protest what had happened to “Brother Trayvon.” What they got was a pack of wilding animals who ransacked a Walgreens after their march.

    Now they are all so eager to wear hoodies to show they are “down for the struggle.” Do you want to bet the hoodies end up being made in non union sweatshops in some third world country?

    This is too rich."


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

