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ITB - Ann Coulter: I Despise Carly Fiorina with the ‘Hot, Hot Hate of 1,000 Suns’

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  • ITB - Ann Coulter: I Despise Carly Fiorina with the ‘Hot, Hot Hate of 1,000 Suns’

    Ann Coulter: I Despise Carly Fiorina with the ‘Hot, Hot Hate of 1,000 Suns’


    Andrew Kirell


    The headline to this article should sufficiently answer any questions about how much Ann Coulter hates Republican presidential candidate and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina.

    Appearing Tuesday on The Mike Gallagher Show, Coulter admitted that she has “turned against” Fiorina “as of yesterday,” and now feels the “hot, hot hate of a thousand suns” for the sole female GOP candidate.

    “At first, I admit I was suspicious because I hate this, ‘Oh, a woman can talk, oh, that’s great!'” the conservative commentator said. “But I just hate this affirmative action among Republicans.”

    But why such strong disdain for Fiorina? Because the candidate suggested that Donald Trump (Coulter’s absolute fave, mind you) is outlandish for declaring that birthright citizenship be ended.

    View the complete article, including image and audio track, at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Trump to O’Reilly: The 14th Amendment Won’t Hold Up In Court


    Ken Meyer


    During Bill O’Reilly’s interview of Donald Trump tonight he put particular focus on Trump’s newest idea for immigration by eliminating birthright citizenship. O’Reilly said that even though he was intrigued by his call to curb illegal immigration, but challenged him by saying that his ideas for mass deportations can’t happen under the 14th Amendment.

    Trump responded that O’Reilly’s concerns by saying he was wrong about how the Constitution applies to anchor babies. “Many lawyers are saying that’s not the way it is in terms of this,” Trump said. “They are saying it is not going to hold up in court. It will have to be tested but they say it will not hold up in court.”

    O’Reilly agreed that the country needed stronger laws and borders, but said that the federal courts would never allow a mass deportation for those who are entitled due process by their American citizenship. “Do you envision federal police kicking in the doors around the country dragging families out and putting them on a bus,” O’Reilly asked.

    Trump retorted that he doesn’t think they have American citizenship, and that there are many lawyers that agree with him. When asked about whether he would pursue a constitutional amendment, Trump dismissed the idea, saying that it would take too long and he would prefer somehow testing to see whether anchor babies were truly American citizens.

    View the complete article, including image and video, at:
    B. Steadman

