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WTF/ITB - Carly Fiorina: I would have voted for Sotomayor -- The Right Scoop

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  • WTF/ITB - Carly Fiorina: I would have voted for Sotomayor -- The Right Scoop

    Carly: I would have voted for Sotomayor

    The Right Scoop



    Well this is a bit of troubling news on the Carly Fiorina front:

    POLITICO – California Senate candidate Carly Fiorina told a group of conservative journalists yesterday that she probably would have voted to confirm Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, handing conservatives an issue to use against her in the primary against state Assemblyman Chuck DeVore:

    In what would turn out to be the biggest news emerging from the breakfast, Fiorina said that, while she did not study Sonia Sotomayor in great deal (“I was battling cancer at the time”), she probably would have “voted for her” confirmation to the Supreme Court. The daughter of the late Deputy U.S. Attorney General and U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Joseph Sneed said she “does not believe in litmus tests” for judicial nominees and that the chief criterion for service on the bench is “respecting the Constitution.”

    Only seven Republican senators voted for Sotomayor’s confirmation in August, a list that includes all of the party’s moderates: Sens. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Kit Bond of Missouri, Susan Collins of Maine, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Dick Lugar of Indiana, Mel Martinez of Florida, Olympia Snowe of Maine and George Voinovich of Ohio.

    This article was from the end of 2009. The source was Human Events and they point out that even then she was making the argument that she was both a fiscal and social conservative. But how can you be conservative and vote for Sotomayor?

    I’ll also note that the article states that Carly didn’t study Sotomayor in great detail. So Carly would have voted for her anyway? Geez. This is the problem we have with members of Congress, who don’t read bills yet they vote for them anyway. They don’t do their homework – instead they just toe the party line and vote accordingly.


    View the complete article, including image, at:
    B. Steadman