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Scarlet 'T': Trump foes 'blacklist' supporters -- WND, Douglas Ernst

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  • Scarlet 'T': Trump foes 'blacklist' supporters -- WND, Douglas Ernst

    Scarlet 'T': Trump foes 'blacklist' supporters

    'It is now urgent that we specifically identify these frauds'


    Douglas Ernst


    The conservative movement’s internal battle over Donald Trump has reached the tipping point: A “blacklist” for the billionaire’s media and political supporters is now official.

    Pundits have waged a war of words for months over the rightful place of the Republican front-runner within the movement, but Amanda Carpenter’s call to “blackball” Trump’s supporters gained momentum on Friday.

    Carpenter is a frequent guest on CNN and once served as communications director for Sen. Ted Cruz.

    “Call it a boycott, call it a blackball, call it a blacklist, call it whatever you want. I’m done with these folks and other conservatives should be, too,” Carpenter wrote Friday. Anyone who will defend a man condoning random acts of violence at his rallies has lost his morals; he will defend anything at all.”

    Red State’s Leon Wolf responded with a piece titled, “Amanda Carpenter is Right. Blackball the Trump Endorsers.”

    “People who are endorsing Trump, while other Republicans are still standing, have forever forfeited their right to have their opinion taken seriously by conservatives,” Wolf wrote. “And when Trump’s train finally wrecks, before or after November, it will wreak untold destruction on this party and this movement.”


    View the complete article, including images and tweets, at:
    B. Steadman