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Medical Expert Latest Video Proves Michelle Fields Faked Bruises? -- GotNews

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  • Medical Expert Latest Video Proves Michelle Fields Faked Bruises? -- GotNews

    BREAKING: Medical Expert Latest Video Proves Michelle Fields Faked Bruises?


    By Charles C. Johnson


    • An expert in the field of veins and biology and newly released video contradicts Michelle Fields’s early claims of assault by Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.
    • An analysis of the video shows Fields was lying about being assaulted on her lower arm.
    • Michelle Fields’s eye witness — Ben Terris — is a long time friend of hers and her boyfriend, Jamie Weinstein.

    “I’ve been installing IV lines for over 30 years and I’m telling you this is NOT her arm,” writes Matthew Beals, CNMT MBA. “It appears to be the arm of an obese female. No veins. Active people have them popping out everywhere.”

    Beals continued: “Looking at the arm there is significant fat tissue from the elbow up. Also a complete lack of vasculature (no visible veins). This is the arm of a sedentary adult obese female most likely a diabetic.”

    We looked for photos through Michelle Fields’s Instagram and can’t find evidence that she has a mole as the photo pictured here.

    New video shows that Fields’s upper arm and not her lower arm was grabbed. Critics are pointing out that Fields lied.

    Twitter user Aslan’s Girl points out that Fields’s bruises were likely fake.

    The video also puts the lie to the eye witness claim of Washington Post reporter Ben Terris, who is a longtime friend of Fields’s boyfriend, Jamie Weinstein. Weinstein was the first person to tweet about the alleged incident.


    View the complete article, including images, tweets and video, at:
    B. Steadman