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Voter Fraud Is A Serious Threat To The Election --

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  • Voter Fraud Is A Serious Threat To The Election --

    Voter Fraud Is A Serious Threat To The Election

    Canada Free Press

    by Gail Jarvis


    The proliferating violence and threats of violence by Islamic Terrorists and Black Lives Matter thugs is another powerful indication of how crucial the upcoming presidential election is. President Obama and his clone, Hillary Clinton, not only refuse to find fault with these two factions, they even blame today’s violence on the racism of police and the evils of White privilege. Because our president condones the violence, it will continue until a new political philosophy is established in Washington.

    The political positions of our two choices for president are diametrically opposed. Mrs. Clinton has made it crystal clear that she will not only continue Mr. Obama’s policies, she will expand them. She dismisses claims of Islamic Terrorism, and is committed to increasing Muslim migration into the United States. Mrs. Clinton also plans to enlarge Obama’s deportation amnesty program for illegal aliens. Contrariwise, Mr. Trump has committed to do whatever he can to end the calamitous policies of the Obama administration. He might not be able to turn back the clock and recover the America we once had but at least he will not encourage the chaos taking place in our cities.

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    B. Steadman